GSet icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
GSet copied to clipboard

Share and use objects with ease.


Share and use objects with ease.

3/28/11 version 1.0.1 by Bemi Faison ([email protected])


Formerly named Proxy, the GSet instance protects an object from unwanted access and manipulation, while providing a collection of scoped methods. The GSet constructor introduces the GVS pattern, which offers a simple syntax for defining getter/setter methods.


  • gset-min.js - GSet library (minified with the YUI Compressor version 2.4.2)
  • src/ - Directory containing the GSet source code
  • src-test/ - Test suite for GSet
  • LICENSE - The legal terms and conditions under which GSet may be used
  • - This readme file


Use GSet within a web browser. Load the src/gset.js file like any other external JavaScript library file.


Instantiate a GSet using the new operator and the required arguments, source and scheme. Functions within the scheme execute within the scope of the source object.

var pxy = new GSet(anyObject, {
  myMethod: function () {
    var thatObject = this;
  gvsMethod: [
    function getter() {
      return this.someThing;
    function vetter(param1, param2, ...) {
      return validateBeforeSetting(arguments);
    function setter(param1, param2, ...) {
      this.someThing = param1 ? param2 : param3;
      return param4 ? true : false;

Invoke GSet methods like any other object.

var getResult = pxy.gvsMethod();
var setResult = pxy.gvsMethod(arg1, arg2, ...);

More usage information is available in the GSet wiki.


GSet is available under the terms of the MIT-License.

Copyright 2010, Bemi Faison