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The library, which provides statistics counters, e.g. Google analytics, Yandex metrica, etc

Statistics counters BEM library

Build Status Coverage Status

A library for web analytics that provides site statistics counters to any BEM-based project.

Blocks inside

Get the library:

via bower:

$ bower install bem-stat-counters --save

via npm:

$ npm install --save

How to use

Include the library to the levels declaration in your compiler tool configuration (e.g. ENB or bem-tools):

ENB example

function getLevels(config) {
    return [
        // vendors levels
            path: 'vendors/bem-stat-counters/common.blocks',
            check: false
        // your own levels
    ].map(function(levelPath) { return config.resolvePath(levelPath); });

bem-tools example

exports.getConfig = function() {

    return extend({}, this.__base() || {}, {

        bundleBuildLevels: this.resolvePaths([
            // vendors levels
            // your own levels



bem-tools example if you use bem-project-stub

getLevelsMap: function() {
   return {
       desktop: [
            // vendors levels
            // your own levels

Declare a counter in your project BEMJSON:

    block: 'footer',
    content: [
        // smth content,
            block: 'yandex-metrica',
            params: {
                id: '0000000',
                webvisor: true,
                clickmap: true,
                trackLinks: true,
                accurateTrackBounce: true,
                v2: true

How to declare blocks


Set the following parameters of the block:

  • id — required
  • webvisor — optional
  • clickmap — optional
  • trackLinks — optional
  • accurateTrackBounce — optional
  • v2 — optional


    block: 'yandex-metrica',
    params: {
        id: '0000000', // required param
        webvisor: true,
        clickmap: true,
        trackLinks: true,
        accurateTrackBounce: true,
        v2: true


Set the following parameters of the block:

  • id — required


    block: 'google-tag-manager',
    params: {
        id: 'GTM-XXXX'


Set the following parameters of the block:

  • id — required


    block: 'google-analytics',
    params: {
        id: 'UA-XXXXXXXX-X'

Also the block has a simple API to track custom user events on page. Click here to learn more.


Set the following parameters of the block:

  • id — required
  • security — required

Support only invisible mode.


    block: 'statcounter',
    params: {
        project: XXXXXXXX,
        security: 'YYYYYYYY'

Content Security Policy (CSP) support

You can use counters even if your web server has CSP settings which forbid inline scripts using. In this case you should provide the same value of the nonce-parameter in the CSP http header and the html attribute for inline script.


  1. CSP header
 script-src 'nonce-FOO'
  1. counter block declaration
    block: 'google-analytics', // or any another block of the library
    params: {
        id: 'UA-XXXXXXXX-X'
    nonce: 'FOO'


MIT License