visual-snow-relief-overlay icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
visual-snow-relief-overlay copied to clipboard

A screen overlay filter that helps people affected by the visual snow syndrome.

Results 12 visual-snow-relief-overlay issues
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Hello, Thanks for your project! I'm on Ubuntu 22.04, and when I try to launch the AppImage, I get this message : > (node:29152) electron: The default of contextIsolation is...

Running up to date archlinux with fluxbox. The overlay intercepts all mouse clicks and keystrokes making the system unusable. Also I had to install xcompmgr to get this to have...

Wonderful program! I leave it on almost constantly, though, and it would be handy to have it out of the way if it could be minimized to the system tray...

The artifacts produced by the build process contain spaces that get interpreted differently according to the way the artifacts are deployed. If the artifacts are dragged and dropped on github,...

prioritise 🔥

Only part of higher resolution screens have overlay in multi-monitor configuration. (Windows 10)

Thanks so much for building this! If possible, please update to allow for a stronger opacity, 16 still seems a bit too low for me. I'm on Mac btw

hi! i use this on my phone regularly and absolutely love it! i've been trying to get it on my laptop however and haven't had any luck. i know you...

Fixes: Made a small change to help out a friend who's using this. Since the app creates a window for every screen you could not move the modal beyond...

I'd like to contribute, so I cloned the repo and did `npm install` and got: ``` npm ERR! code ERESOLVE npm ERR! ERESOLVE unable to resolve dependency tree npm ERR!...

Currently, there is only a keyboard shortcut to open/close the menu, from which you can click the play/pause button to toggle the overlay. This means if I want to briefly...