Ted Blackman
Ted Blackman
Thanks @marcusmiguel, that all makes sense. This PR does seem better than those options, then. I wonder if we should eventually have two different kinds of "insert multiple characters" commands:...
This is a good example of something that is much slower to compile than most code is, which could be useful for investigating compiler performance.
This looks at first glance like a desynchronization between Ames and Gall: Ames has closed the incoming subscription flow, but Gall still has an incoming subscription recorded, so when there's...
Thanks, glad to hear it's useful! I don't think this package will work on the server, since Deps is only defined client-side. What I'd recommend to get the server to...
Hmm, you could maybe store the userId in a variable while logged in, like Meteor.previousUserId or something, and then when you get a loggedOut event on the client, run Meteor.call('onLogout',Meteor.previousUserId);...
Yes. The first argument to EventHorizon.fire is the event name, and the optional second argument is an object that will be passed to the event handlers. I'm curious what your...
Cool! That's basically how I've been hoping people would use this. Please let me know if you run into any trouble making that work. On Sun, Mar 24, 2013 at...
This just happened to my friend, but he clicked the "Login Anyway" button and it said "No points to display. This wallet is not the owner or proxy for any...
Oh, I think we forgot to do the "verify your ticket" stage. Maybe that's related?
Well, now I'm trying to do that step and it says "Does not match master ticket." I don't know how to proceed from here.