csharpier copied to clipboard
Avoid wrapping method arguments including a block-bodied lambda
await SessionManager.Session(cancellationToken, async context =>
var records = await context
var entities = await MarshalEntities(records);
return entities.ToImmutableDictionary(e => e.Id.Value);
await SessionManager.Session(
async context =>
var records = await context
var entities = await MarshalEntities(records);
return entities.ToImmutableDictionary(e => e.Id.Value);
Expected behavior:
It would be nice if the formatter could avoid wrapping arguments to method calls where the call includes a block-bodied lambda on the assumption that the method call represents some form of flow control.
FWIW prettier appears to avoid breaking arguments when one of them is a lambda. I haven't looked into the code to see if this was intenional or not, but I assume that it was.
Prettier output
await SessionManager.Session(cancellationToken, async (context) => {
var records = await context.DbContext.Entity.AsNoTracking()
var entities = await MarshalEntities(records);
return entities.ToImmutableDictionary((e) => e.Id.Value);
Sorry, to be clear this is using prettier with prettier-plugin-csharp?
I'd be fine with wrapping arguments when they contain a lambda which is not block-bodied, e.g.
var exception = Assert.Throws<Exception>(
() => my.Incredibly.Long.Ass.Lambda.Expression
but blocks should probably be treated as blocks regardless of where they appear:
var exception = Assert.Throws<Exception>(() =>
throw new Exception();
Some minimal API samples from the Microsoft's documentation
app.MapPost("/todoitems", async (Todo todo, TodoDb db) =>
await db.SaveChangesAsync();
return Results.Created($"/todoitems/{todo.Id}", todo);
app.MapPut("/todoitems/{id}", async (int id, Todo inputTodo, TodoDb db) =>
var todo = await db.Todos.FindAsync(id);
if (todo is null) return Results.NotFound();
todo.Name = inputTodo.Name;
todo.IsComplete = inputTodo.IsComplete;
await db.SaveChangesAsync();
return Results.NoContent();
app.MapDelete("/todoitems/{id}", async (int id, TodoDb db) =>
if (await db.Todos.FindAsync(id) is Todo todo)
await db.SaveChangesAsync();
return Results.NoContent();
return Results.NotFound();