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A simple reason react state management library that help you share hook state and logic easily.

Reason Unstated

Build Status Coverage Status

Reason Unstated is a reason implementation of unstated-next. A simple state management library that help you share hook state and logic easily.

  • Hooks: Use them for all your state management.
  • Small Size: It only contains dozens of lines code.
  • Familiar API: Just use React as intended.
  • Minimal API: It only contains one API.


  1. yarn add reason-unstated
  2. add reason-unstated to bs-dependencies in your bsconfig.json:
  "bs-dependencies": [


type counterType = {
  count: int,
  set: (int => int) => unit,
  inc: unit => unit,
  dec: unit => unit,
let useCounter = initial => {
  let (count, set) = React.useState(() => initial);
    inc: () => set(prev => prev + 1),
    dec: () => set(prev => prev - 1),

module CounterContainer =
    type state = int;
    type value = counterType;
    let useHook = useCounter;

module CounterDisplay = {
  let make = () => {
    let counter = CounterContainer.useContainer();
      {React.string("count: ")}
      {counter.count |> string_of_int |> React.string}
      <button onClick={_ =>}> {React.string("+1")} </button>
      <button onClick={_ => counter.dec()}> {React.string("-1")} </button>

    <CounterContainer.Provider initialState=0>
      <CounterDisplay />
      <CounterDisplay />
      <CounterContainer.Provider initialState=3>
        <CounterDisplay />
        <CounterDisplay />