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Lightweight tween library for Unity.

Ultra Lightweight Tweening Engine for Unity (Uween)

Uween is a simple tween library for Unity.


Simple & Lightweight

Uween is super simple. Core system (Tween.cs) is about 100 lines code. Simple is powerful.

Easy to use

// Go to x:100 in 1 second.
TweenX.Add(gameObject, 1f, 100f);

That's all.

Fluent syntax

// Go to x:100 in 1 second with in-out-sine easing and 5 sec delay.
// Then do a next motion.
TweenX.Add(gameObject, 1f, 100f).EaseInOutSine().Delay(0.5f).Then(next_motion);

Unity friendly

Uween's design is completely focusing on Unity. It works as a simple Unity component and follows a Unity execution flow.


Simply copy a Uween directory to your Unity project. Uween - Example directory is not needed.

If you don't use uGUI (requires Unity >= 4.6), delete the following files:

  • Uween/Scripts/TweenA.cs
  • Uween/Scripts/TweenC.cs
  • Uween/Scripts/TweenCA.cs
  • Uween/Scripts/TweenFillAmount.cs


Open a Uween - Example/Scenes/Example.unity scene. All code is written in Uween - Example/Scripts/Example.cs.

  • This example uses uGUI so you requires Unity version >= 4.6.

Quick help


Add using Uween; in your script.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using Uween;

Starting tween

Call a tween class's Add method.

TweenX.Add(g, 0.3f, 120f);
TweenY.Add(g, 0.5f, 240f);

At least Add method has two parameters:

  1. GameObject - Tweening target.
  2. float - Tweening duration (sec).

and has more extra parameters depending on tween classes. For example, TweenX has a destination x value as 3rd parameter.

Tween classes

  • Move 1 value
  • TweenX.Add(g, d, float x) - Move X to value x.
  • TweenY.Add(g, d, float y) - Move Y to value y.
  • TweenZ.Add(g, d, float z) - Move Z to value z.
  • Scale 1 value
  • TweenSX.Add(g, d, float sx) - Scale X to value sx.
  • TweenSY.Add(g, d, float sy) - Scale Y to value sy.
  • TweenSZ.Add(g, d, float sz) - Scale Z to value sz.
  • Rotate 1 value
  • TweenRX.Add(g, d, float rx) - Rotate X to value rx. rx is a euler angle.
  • TweenRY.Add(g, d, float ry) - Rotate Y to value ry. ry is a euler angle.
  • TweenRZ.Add(g, d, float rz) - Rotate Z to value rz. rz is a euler angle.
  • Move 2 values
  • TweenXY.Add(g, d, Vector2 xy) - Move XY to value xy.
  • TweenXY.Add(g, d, float x, float y) - Move XY to values x and y.
  • TweenXZ.Add(g, d, Vector2 xz) - Move XZ to value xz.
  • TweenXZ.Add(g, d, float x, float z) - Move XZ to values x and z.
  • TweenYZ.Add(g, d, Vector2 yz) - Move YZ to value yz.
  • TweenYZ.Add(g, d, float y, float z) - Move YZ to values y and z.
  • Scale 2 values
  • TweenSXY.Add(g, d, Vector2 xy) - Scale XY to value xy.
  • TweenSXY.Add(g, d, float x, float y) - Scale XY to values x and y.
  • TweenSXY.Add(g, d, float v) - Scale XY to value v.
  • TweenSXZ.Add(g, d, Vector2 xz) - Scale XZ to value xz.
  • TweenSXZ.Add(g, d, float v) - Scale XZ to value v.
  • TweenSXZ.Add(g, d, float x, float z) - Scale XZ to values x and z.
  • TweenSYZ.Add(g, d, Vector2 yz) - Scale YZ to value yz.
  • TweenSYZ.Add(g, d, float y, float z) - Scale XY to values y and z.
  • TweenSYZ.Add(g, d, float v) - Scale YZ to value v.
  • Rotate 2 values
  • TweenRXY.Add(g, d, Vector2 xy) - Rotate XY to value xy.
  • TweenRXY.Add(g, d, float x, float y) - Rotate XY to values x and y.
  • TweenRXY.Add(g, d, float v) - Rotate XY to value v.
  • TweenRXZ.Add(g, d, Vector2 xz) - Rotate XZ to value xz.
  • TweenRXZ.Add(g, d, float v) - Rotate XZ to value v.
  • TweenRXZ.Add(g, d, float x, float z) - Rotate XZ to values x and z.
  • TweenRYZ.Add(g, d, Vector2 yz) - Rotate YZ to value yz.
  • TweenRYZ.Add(g, d, float y, float z) - Rotate YZ to values y and z.
  • TweenRYZ.Add(g, d, float v) - Rotate YZ to value v.
  • Move 3 values
  • TweenXYZ.Add(g, d, Vector3 xyz) - Move XYZ to value xyz.
  • TweenXYZ.Add(g, d, float x, float y, float z) - Move XYZ to values x, y and z.
  • Scale 3 values
  • TweenSXYZ.Add(g, d, Vector2 xyz) - Scale XYZ to value xyz.
  • TweenSXYZ.Add(g, d, float x, float y, float z) - Scale XYZ to values x, y and z.
  • TweenSXYZ.Add(g, d, float v) - Scale XYZ to value v.
  • Rotate 3 values
  • TweenRXYZ.Add(g, d, Vector2 xyz) - Rotate XYZ to value xy.
  • TweenRXYZ.Add(g, d, float x, float y, float z) - Rotate XYZ to values x, y and z.
  • TweenRXYZ.Add(g, d, float v) - Rotate XYZ to value v.
  • Alias for 2D
  • TweenP - Same as TweenXY.
  • TweenS - Same as TweenSXY.
  • TweenR - Same as TweenRZ.
  • Alias for 3D
  • TweenP3 - Same as TweenXYZ.
  • TweenS3 - Same as TweenSXYZ.
  • TweenR3 - Same as TweenRXYZ.
  • uGUI
  • TweenA.Add(g, d, float a) - Change Alpha to value a.
  • TweenC.Add(g, d, Color c) - Change Color to value c (Alpha is ignored).
  • TweenC.Add(g, d, Vector3 c) - Change Color to value c.
  • TweenC.Add(g, d, float r, float g, float b) - Change Color to value r, g and b.
  • TweenCA.Add(g, d, Color c) - Change Color to value c (Alpha is not ignored).
  • TweenCA.Add(g, d, Vector4 c) - Change Color to value c.
  • TweenCA.Add(g, d, float r, float g, float b, float a) - Change Color to value r, g, b and a.
  • TweenFillAmount.Add(g, d, float to) - Change Image#fillAmount to value to.

Note: g is GameObject, d is duration.

Fluent syntax

All the following feature can be called with fluent syntax. (Fluent syntax is also known as method chain)


TweenX.Add(gameObject, 1f, 100f).EaseInOutSine().Delay(0.5f).Then(next_motion);


You can use all of Robert Penner's easings:

  • Linear
  • It's default.
  • Back
  • .EaseInBack()
  • .EaseInOutBack()
  • .EaseOutBack()
  • .EaseOutInBack()
  • .EaseInBackWith(float s) - With the amount of overshoot s.
  • .EaseInOutBackWith(float s) - With the amount of overshoot s.
  • .EaseOutBackWith(float s) - With the amount of overshoot s.
  • .EaseOutInBackWith(float s) - With the amount of overshoot s.
  • Bounce
  • .EaseInBounce()
  • .EaseInOutBounce()
  • .EaseOutBounce()
  • .EaseOutInBounce()
  • Circular
  • .EaseInCircular()
  • .EaseInOutCircular()
  • .EaseOutCircular()
  • .EaseOutInCircular()
  • .EaseInCirc() - Alias
  • .EaseInOutCirc() - Alias
  • .EaseOutCirc() - Alias
  • .EaseOutInCirc() - Alias
  • Cubic
  • .EaseInCubic()
  • .EaseInOutCubic()
  • .EaseOutCubic()
  • .EaseOutInCubic()
  • Elastic
  • .EaseInElastic()
  • .EaseInOutElastic()
  • .EaseOutElastic()
  • .EaseOutInElastic()
  • .EaseInElasticWith(float a, float p) - With the the amplitude a of the sine wave and the period p of the sine wave.
  • .EaseInOutElasticWith(float a, float p) - With the the amplitude a of the sine wave and the period p of the sine wave.
  • .EaseOutElasticWith(float a, float p) - With the the amplitude a of the sine wave and the period p of the sine wave.
  • .EaseOutInElasticWith(float a, float p) - With the the amplitude a of the sine wave and the period p of the sine wave.
  • Exponential
  • .EaseInExponential()
  • .EaseInOutExponential()
  • .EaseOutExponential()
  • .EaseOutInExponential()
  • .EaseInExpo() - Alias
  • .EaseInOutExpo() - Alias
  • .EaseOutExpo() - Alias
  • .EaseOutInExpo() - Alias
  • Quadratic
  • .EaseInQuadratic()
  • .EaseInOutQuadratic()
  • .EaseOutQuadratic()
  • .EaseOutInQuadratic()
  • .EaseInQuad() - Alias
  • .EaseInOutQuad() - Alias
  • .EaseOutQuad() - Alias
  • .EaseOutInQuad() - Alias
  • Quartic
  • .EaseInQuartic()
  • .EaseInOutQuartic()
  • .EaseOutQuartic()
  • .EaseOutInQuartic()
  • .EaseInQuart() - Alias
  • .EaseInOutQuart() - Alias
  • .EaseOutQuart() - Alias
  • .EaseOutInQuart() - Alias
  • Quintic
  • .EaseInQuintic()
  • .EaseInOutQuintic()
  • .EaseOutQuintic()
  • .EaseOutInQuintic()
  • .EaseInQuint() - Alias
  • .EaseInOutQuint() - Alias
  • .EaseOutQuint() - Alias
  • .EaseOutInQuint() - Alias
  • Sine
  • .EaseInSine()
  • .EaseInOutSine()
  • .EaseOutSine()
  • .EaseOutInSine()


You can insert a delay time before starting tween.

  • .Delay(float) - Set a delay time (sec).


You can set to call method you like when tween completed.

  • .Then(f) - Set a complete callback. f is a no arg void method.

Initial value

You can set a initial value. It will be apply immediately to GameObject (before delay).

  • .From(v) - Set a initial value to v.

Relative value

You can set a destination or initial value relative from current value.

  • .Relative() - Set a destination value to a value relative from current value
  • .FromRelative(v) - Set a initial value to current value + v

To current value

If you don't set a destination value, it will automatically set as a current value.

// From 100px to current position
TweenX.Add(gameObject, 1f).From(100f);


You can pause/resume active tweens in a GameObject.

  • g.PauseTweens() - Pause active tweens in g.
  • g.PauseTweens<T>() - Pause active tweens of type T in g.
  • g.ResumeTweens() - Resume paused tweens in g.
  • g.ResumeTweens<T>() - Resume paused tweens of type T in g.


TweenNull will not tween any value. You can use this class for wait, delayed callback, etc...

// Callback after 3sec.
TweenNull(g, 3f).Then(callback)


Copyright 2014 Oink Games, Inc. and other contributors.

Code licensed under the MIT License: http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT