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Parsec implementation in Swift


Parsec is an industrial strength, monadic parser combinator library. The original paper is available here: Parsec: Direct Style Monadic Parser Combinators For The Real World. Find more info about Haskell Parsec here: https://wiki.haskell.org/Parsec. To learn more, you may want to read chapter 16 of Real World Haskell.

What is Parsec?

Parsec is a "parser combinator" library. It has many utility functions and helps you combine simpler parsers to create more advanced parsers.

What is a parser?

A parser is a function that when given an input stream, it may parse a value from it and return the rest of the stream, or it may fail. For example, digit is a parser for parsing a single digit. Given an input stream like "123", it will parse it successfully and returns "1" and the rest of the stream ("23").

Another example is letter for parsing a single letter. Given an input stream like "123", it will fail with an error message about unexpected "1" in the input stream. But with the stream "abc", it will return "a" and the rest of the stream ("bc").

What is a combinator?

Suppose we want to parse either a single letter or a digit. We can combine letter and digit with <|> combinator:

func letterOrDigit () -> StringParser<Character> {
  return ( letter <|> digit )()

With letterOrDigit we can parse both "123" and "abc" successfully and we will get "1" or "a" respectively. Here, <|> operator is a combinator which creates a new parser from two simpler parsers (letter and digit).

Another combinator is many1. Using it, we can create a new parser which applies the provided parser one or more times while it is successful and returns an array of results:

func digits () -> StringParser<[Character]> {
  return many1(digit)()

With digits we can parse "123" and successfully get ["1", "2", "3"].

Parsing values

In the above examples, we have parsed single characters, which is not really interesting. Now suppose we want to parse an integer value. We can use >>- operator (bind combinator) to convert the result:

func integer () -> StringParser<Int> {
  return ( digits >>- { ds in
    if let i = Int(String(ds)) {
      return create(i)
    } else {
      return fail("invalid integer")
  } )()

The >>- operator, takes a parser on its left hand side (digits in this example) and a function (or closure) on the right hand side, and creates a new parser, that when applied, will pass the result of left hand side parser ([Character] in this example) to the right hand side function. The right hand side function should return a parser, and if left hand side has failed, right hand side function will not be called.

The create function creates a new parser that always succeeds with the provided value, so here, when integer is applied, and some digit characters are in the input stream, those will be passed to the closure as ds and converted to an Int. If conversion is successful, a new parser that always succeeds with that integer is created and returned. On the other hand, if conversion fails, a parser that always fails is returned.

Parser and StringParser

In the above examples, functions return a value of type StringParser<X>. The generic parameter X is the type of the value returned by parser when applied. In the integer function it's Int, in the digits function it's [Character] and in letterOrDigit, letter and digit it's Character.

So what is StringParser? It is an alias for Parser type and is defined like:

typealias StringParser<a> = Parser<a, String.CharacterView>

It's just a short hand for working with String inputs, since most of the times, you will be parsing a string.

And now let's focus on Parser. Here is the tricky part. It's a function. That means, any value of this type is a function that needs to be applied. It is defined like:

typealias Parser<a, c: Collection> = (State<c>) -> Consumed<a, c>

So it needs a parameter of type State<c> and returns a value of type Consumed<a, c>. State is a container for input stream, and Consumed is the result which may be a success or a failure. With this definition, parsers get an input stream and return a result.

The type StringParser just fixes the c generic parameter to String.CharacterView which is the collection of Characters in the input String. So StringParser works with String but if you need some advanced functionality like parsing command line parameters passed to your program (a [String] input stream), you can use the more generic type Parser.

With all of this, StringParser will get a parameter of type State<String.CharacterView> and returns a value of type Consumed<a, String.CharacterView>.

To learn more about State and Consumed, you can read the paper in the About section. However, you can read some examples and start creating your own parsers.

Parser and ParserClosure

You may notice that some functions return a Parser (or StringParser) while some other functions return ParserClosure (or StringParserClosure). ParserClosure is defined as:

typealias ParserClosure<a, c: Collection> = () -> Parser<a, c>

It is just a closure that returns Parser. For combining parsers, they need to be closures that return parsers. When defining parsers with no parameters (like digits or integer above) as the function takes no parameter, it is already a closure that returns a parser, so the return type is Parser. But when defining parsers that take one or more parameters, calling it with its parameters should return a closure that returns the parser. Some examples are oneOf(_ s: String) -> ParserClosure<Character> and noneOf(_ s: String) -> Parser<Character>.

Example 1: Simple CSV Parser

Let's say we want to write a parser to parse CSV files. CSV (Comma Separated Values) files are simple text files that each record is on a line and fields are separated by commas. Here is an example:

Batman Begins,2005
The Prestige,2006
The Dark Knight,2008
The Dark Knight Rises,2012

Each movie is on its own line and title and year of the movie are separated by a comma.

Here is a simple CSV parser:

import Parsec

func csv () -> StringParser<[[String]]> {
  return endBy(line, char("\n"))()

func line () -> StringParser<[String]> {
  return sepBy(cell, char(","))()

func cell () -> StringParser<String> {
  return (many(noneOf(",\n")) >>- { chars in create(String(chars)) })()

The first parser, csv creates a parser of type [[String]]. It is using the endBy combinator. We wanted to say that a CSV file is many lines which are endBy a "\n" character.

The second parser, line creates a parser of type [String]. Each line in a CSV file is an array of separated fields. It is using the sepBy combinator. We wanted to say that a line is many cells which are separated by a "," character.

The difference of endBy and sepBy is that endBy requires the separator after each parsed value, while sepBy requires the separator in between the separated values.

The third parser, cell creates a parser of type String. It parses a single field. It is defined as many characters which are noneOf "," and "\n" and the resulting [Character] is converted to a String.

With these three parsers, we can parse simple CSV files. To execute it, we need to get file name and parse it and display the results:

func main () {
  if CommandLine.arguments.count != 2 {
    print("Usage: \(CommandLine.arguments[0]) csv_file")
  } else {
    let result = try! parse(csv, contentsOfFile: CommandLine.arguments[1])
    switch result {
    case let .left(err): print(err)
    case let .right(x): format(x)

func format (_ data: [[String]]) {
  data.forEach{ item in
    print(item.joined(separator: "\n"), terminator: "\n\n")


In the main function, first we check input arguments to the script and print a usage guide if a file is not provided as an argument.

If a file is provided, we call the parse function with the csv parser and pass the name of the file provided as argument to the script. parse will first read the contents of the file, and pass the resulting string to our parser and returns its result.

We then print the result which may be an error (.left) or success (.right). format is a utility function to print the parsed result so we can check the behaviour of our parser.

Let's test this. You can clone the repository and then build the project:

swift build

Note: You'll need the latest Swift 3.0. You can download and install it from swift.org.

Now, if you run:


You'll get the error message in the main function:

Usage: .build/debug/example-csv-simple csv_file

We need to provide a CSV file:

.build/debug/example-csv-simple example-csv-simple/simple.csv

And the output will be:





Batman Begins

The Prestige

The Dark Knight


The Dark Knight Rises


The format function prints each field on a separate line and inserts an empty line after each record.

As you can see, our parser worked great for this simple CSV file.

** Note**: You may think that it was easier to just split the input on new-line characters and then split each line on comma characters. Although this approach would work for simple CSV files, not all of them are as simple as this. For example there may be a cell in the CSV file that contains a comma character. Spliting blindly on commas whould incorrectly split that cell. To handle those cases, CSV files use double quotes around those fields to mark the start and end of the cell.

Our simple CSV parser has this limitation too. It doesn't check for double quotes. Say we have this CSV file:

Following,1998,"Director, Producer, Writer"
Memento,2000,"Director, Writer"
Batman Begins,2005,"Director, Writer"
The Prestige,2006,"Director, Producer, Writer"
The Dark Knight,2008,"Director, Producer, Writer"
Inception,2010,"Director, Producer, Writer"
The Dark Knight Rises,2012,"Director, Producer, Writer"
Interstellar,2014,"Director, Producer, Writer"

We added a 'Roles' field but this field has commas inside it. So double quotes are used around that field. If we run our simple parser with this CSV file:

.build/debug/example-csv-simple example-csv-simple/advanced.csv

We will get:





Batman Begins

The Prestige

The Dark Knight


The Dark Knight Rises


As you can see, roles are printed on different lines, and our parser incorrectly parsed them as different fields.

Another thing in CSV files is that if we want a double quote character in a double quoted field, we need to escape it with two double quotes. If one double quote is used, that means the end of the field. To test this assume we have this bad CSV file:

Batman Begins,"20"05"
The Prestige,2006
The Dark Knight,2008
The Dark Knight Rises,2012

Here, a double quote is incorrectly inserted in the middle of year on line 5. If we run our simple parser with this file:

.build/debug/example-csv-simple example-csv-simple/bad.csv

We would not get any error messages.

Let's fix these issues in the next example.

Example 2: Advanced CSV Parser

To fix the problems of our simple CSV parser, we need to consider the case where double quotes are used around fields. Also we should consider double quote escapes. Here is our advanced CSV parser:

import Parsec

func csv () -> StringParser<[[String]]> {
  return endBy(line, endOfLine)()

func line () -> StringParser<[String]> {
  return sepBy(cell, char(","))()

func cell () -> StringParser<String> {
  return ( quotedCell <|> simpleCell )()

func simpleCell () -> StringParser<String> {
  return ( many(noneOf(",\n")) >>- { cs in create(String(cs)) } )()

func quotedCell () -> StringParser<String> {
  return between(char("\""), char("\""), quotedCellContent)()

func quotedCellContent () -> StringParser<String> {
  return ( many(quotedCellChar) >>- { cs in create(String(cs)) } )()

func quotedCellChar () -> StringParser<Character> {
  return ( noneOf("\"") <|> escapedQuote )()

func escapedQuote () -> StringParser<Character> {
  return ( attempt(string("\"\"") <?> "escaped double quote") >>> create("\"") )()

csv is defined as many lines endBy an endOfLine character. endOfLine is a utility parser that matches both "\n" and "\r\n" to support new-line characters in different operating systems.

line is the same as before.

cell is defined as either a quotedCell or a simpleCell. Note that we need to first check for quoted cell.

simpleCell is like cell in simple CSV parser.

quotedCell is defined as quotedCellContent which is between two double quotes (char("\"")).

quotedCellContent is defined as many quotedCellChar`s which are then converted to a string.

quotedCellChar is defined as noneOf \" or an escapedQuote.

escapedQuote is defined as a string of two double quotes (a double quote followed by another double quote) and the success result of those two double quotes is ignored (using >>> combinator) and a single double quote is created. attempt is also used whenever we are going to look ahead more than one character.

Now we can parse CSV files with fields that also include comma, new-line and double quote characters with the same main function. Execute it with the advanced.csv file:

.build/debug/example-csv-advanced example-csv-advanced/advanced.csv

And this time, we will get the following expected output:


Director, Producer, Writer

Director, Writer


Batman Begins
Director, Writer

The Prestige
Director, Producer, Writer

The Dark Knight
Director, Producer, Writer

Director, Producer, Writer

The Dark Knight Rises
Director, Producer, Writer

Director, Producer, Writer

As you can see, even though roles fields may include commas, they are parsed as a single field and displayed on their own row.

If we execute it on an incorrectly formatted CSV file:

.build/debug/example-csv-advanced example-csv-advanced/bad.csv

We will get a good error message:

"example-csv-advanced/bad.csv" (line 5, column 19): unexpected "0"
expecting "new-line" or ","

Example 3: JSON Parser

Now let's creat a parser for parsing JSON files. If you are not familiar with JSON, read json.org. From there, we can see that a JSON value is:

JSON value

When parsing a json document, we need a data structure to put the parsed values in it. In Swift, we can use an enum for this:

enum Json {
  case null
  case bool(Bool)
  case number(Double)
  case string(String)
  case array([Json])
  case object([String: Json])

A JSON file, can contain spaces and a JSON value, but nothing else:

func jsonFile () -> StringParser<Json> {
  return ( spaces >>> value <<< eof )()

Here, spaces parser matches zero or more white space characters. The >>> combinator ignores success result on its left and returns the result of its right. value parser parses a JSON value which we will see next, and <<< combinator, as you have guessed, ignores success result of its right and returns the result of its left. Finally, eof (End Of File) is a parser that matches an end of file or input stream.

A JSON value can be a string, number, object, array, boolean, or null:

func value () -> StringParser<Json> {
  return ( str
      <|> number
      <|> object
      <|> array
      <|> bool
      <|> null
      <?> "json value" )()

The <?> combinator just adds a label to the parser for better error messages. When the above parser fails, the error message will contain a message about expecting "json value".

JSON Strings are defined as a string of characters between double quotes with some special cases for control characters and escape sequences:

JSON String

Here are the required parsers:

func str () -> StringParser<Json> {
  return ( quotedString >>- { s in create(.string(s)) } )()

func quotedString () -> StringParser<String> {
  return ( between(quote, quote, many(quotedCharacter))
        >>- { cs in create(String(cs)) } <<< spaces <?> "quoted string" )()

func quote () -> StringParser<Character> {
  return ( char("\"") <?> "double quote" )()

func quotedCharacter () -> StringParser<Character> {
  var chars = "\"\\"
  for i in 0x00...0x1f {
    chars += String(UnicodeScalar(i)!)
  for i in 0x7f...0x9f {
    chars += String(UnicodeScalar(i)!)
  return ( noneOf(chars)
      <|> attempt(string("\\\"")) >>> create("\"")
      <|> attempt(string("\\\\")) >>> create("\\")
      <|> attempt(string("\\/")) >>> create("/")
      <|> attempt(string("\\b")) >>> create("\u{8}")
      <|> attempt(string("\\f")) >>> create("\u{c}")
      <|> attempt(string("\\n")) >>> create("\n")
      <|> attempt(string("\\r")) >>> create("\r")
      <|> attempt(string("\\t")) >>> create("\t")
      <|> attempt(string("\\u") >>> count(4, hexDigit) >>- { hds in
            let code = String(hds)
            let i = Int(code, radix: 16)!
            return create(Character(UnicodeScalar(i)!))
          }) )()

str is a parser of type Json, so we wrap the returned value of quotedString which is a Swift String in our enum (.string(s)).

quotedString is many quotedCharacters between two quotes followed by zero or more white spaces.

A quotedCharacter is noneOf \" or \\ or unicode control characters, or some escape sequences, or a unicode escape sequence.

JSON numbers are defined as:

JSON Number

It's a little more complicated but we can break it to different parsers and combine them together:

func number () -> StringParser<Json> {
  return ( numberSign >>- { sign in
    numberFixed >>- { fixed in
      numberFraction >>- { fraction in
        numberExponent >>- { exponent in
          let s = sign + fixed + fraction + exponent
          if let d = Double(s) {
            return create(.number(d))
          } else {
            return fail("invalid number \(s)")
  } <<< spaces <?> "number" )()

func numberSign () -> StringParser<String> {
  return option("+", string("-"))()

func numberFixed () -> StringParser<String> {
  return ( string("0") <|> many1(digit) >>- { create(String($0)) } )()

func numberFraction () -> StringParser<String> {
  return ( char(".") >>> many1(digit) >>- { create("." + String($0)) }
    <|> create("") )()

func numberExponent () -> StringParser<String> {
  return ( oneOf("eE") >>> option("+", oneOf("+-")) >>- { sign in
      many1(digit) >>- { digits in create("e" + String(sign) + String(digits)) }
    <|> create("") )()

In number four parsers are combined using >>- and then they are joined and converted to a Double value.

In numberSign, option combinator is used which gets a default value and returns it in case the passed in parser fails.

Other parsers should be easy by now.

A JSON object is defined as:

JSON Object

And we can parse it with:

func object () -> StringParser<Json> {
  return ( between(leftBrace, rightBrace, sepBy(pair, comma)) >>- { ps in
    var r: [String: Json] = [:]
    ps.forEach { p in r[p.0] = p.1 }
    return create(.object(r))
  } <?> "object" )()

func leftBrace () -> StringParser<Character> {
  return ( char("{") <<< spaces <?> "open curly bracket" )()

func rightBrace () -> StringParser<Character> {
  return ( char("}") <<< spaces <?> "close curly bracket" )()

func comma () -> StringParser<Character> {
  return ( char(",") <<< spaces <?> "comma" )()

func colon () -> StringParser<Character> {
  return ( char(":") <<< spaces <?> "colon" )()

func pair () -> StringParser<(String, Json)> {
  return ( quotedString >>- { k in
    return colon >>> value >>- { v in
      create((k, v))
  } <?> "key:value pair" )()

A JSON array is defined as:

JSON Array

And we can parse it with:

func array () -> StringParser<Json> {
  return ( between(leftBracket, rightBracket, sepBy(value, comma))
      >>- { js in create(.array(js)) }
      <?> "array" )()

func leftBracket () -> StringParser<Character> {
  return ( char("[") <<< spaces <?> "open square bracket" )()

func rightBracket () -> StringParser<Character> {
  return ( char("]") <<< spaces <?> "close square bracket" )()

Adding parsers for "true", "false" and "null" will complete our JSON parser:

func bool () -> StringParser<Json> {
  return ( (string("true") >>> create(.bool(true)) <<< spaces <?> "true")
      <|> (string("false") >>> create(.bool(false)) <<< spaces <?> "false") )()

func null () -> StringParser<Json> {
  return ( string("null") >>> create(.null) <<< spaces <?> "null" )()

Assuming we have the following JSON file:

  "name": "Christopher Nolan",
  "age": 45,
  "movies": [
      "title": "Following",
      "year": 1998,
      "roles": ["Director", "Producer", "Writer"]
      "title": "Memento",
      "year": 2000,
      "roles": ["Director", "Writer"]
      "title": "Insomnia",
      "year": 2002,
      "roles": ["Director"]
      "title": "Batman Begins",
      "year": 2005,
      "roles": ["Director", "Writer"]
      "title": "The Prestige",
      "year": 2006,
      "roles": ["Director", "Producer", "Writer"]
      "title": "The Dark Knight",
      "year": 2008,
      "roles": ["Director", "Producer", "Writer"]
      "title": "Inception",
      "year": 2010,
      "roles": ["Director", "Producer", "Writer"]
      "title": "The Dark Knight Rises",
      "year": 2012,
      "roles": ["Director", "Producer", "Writer"]
      "title": "Interstellar",
      "year": 2014,
      "roles": ["Director", "Producer", "Writer"]

We can parse it with:

.build/debug/example-json example-json/movies.json

And we will get the following output:

{"name":"Christopher Nolan","age":45.0,"movies":[{"year":1998.0,"roles":["Director","Producer","Writer"],"title":"Following"},{"year":2000.0,"roles":["Director","Writer"],"title":"Memento"},{"year":2002.0,"roles":["Director"],"title":"Insomnia"},{"year":2005.0,"roles":["Director","Writer"],"title":"Batman Begins"},{"year":2006.0,"roles":["Director","Producer","Writer"],"title":"The Prestige"},{"year":2008.0,"roles":["Director","Producer","Writer"],"title":"The Dark Knight"},{"year":2010.0,"roles":["Director","Producer","Writer"],"title":"Inception"},{"year":2012.0,"roles":["Director","Producer","Writer"],"title":"The Dark Knight Rises"},{"year":2014.0,"roles":["Director","Producer","Writer"],"title":"Interstellar"}]}

You can give it different files and test it, and also give it some bad JSON files to see the great error messages the parser emits.


To use SwiftParsec, it needs to be imported first:

import Parsec

Then parsers and combinators from the library can be combined togeether to create more complicated parsers and parse the input stream you want.

Parse Input

The input stream can be any Collection type. A useful Collection is String.CharacterView which is a Collection of Characters of the input String.

But SwiftParsec can work with any Collection. You can for example tokenize the input stream first and create a collection of tokens and then use that as the input for parsers, although in this case tokens are not Characters anymore and Character parsers can't be used. An example is CommandLine.arguments which is a Collection of Strings provided as input arguments to the application.

Note: In the following function signatures, <c: Collection> is omitted for better readability.

Character Parsers

Character parsers are basic parsers for parsing Character data when elements of input stream is of type Character.

oneOf(_ s: String) -> ParserClosure<Character>

Succeeds if the current character is in the supplied string s. Returns the parsed character. See also satisfy.

func vowel () -> StringParser<Character> {
  return oneOf("aeiou")()

noneOf(_ s: String) -> Parser<Character>

As the dual of 'oneOf', noneOf(s) succeeds if the current character is not in the supplied string s. Returns the parsed character.

func consonant () -> StringParser<Character> {
  return noneOf("aeiou")()

spaces() -> Parser<()>

Skips zero or more white space characters. See also 'skipMany'.

space() -> Parser<Character>

Parses a white space character (any character which satisfies 'isSpace'). Returns the parsed character.

newline() -> Parser<Character>

Parses a newline character ('\n'). Returns a newline character.

crlf() -> Parser<Character>

Parses a carriage return character ('\r') followed by a newline character ('\n'). Returns a newline character.

endOfLine() -> Parser<Character>

Parses a CRLF (see 'crlf') or LF (see 'newline') end-of-line. Returns a newline character ('\n').

tab() -> Parser<Character>

Parses a tab character ('\t'). Returns a tab character.

upper() -> Parser<Character>

Parses an upper case letter (a character between 'A' and 'Z'). Returns the parsed character.

lower() -> Parser<Character>

Parses a lower case character (a character between 'a' and 'z'). Returns the parsed character.

alphaNum() -> Parser<Character>

Parses a letter or digit (a character between '0' and '9'). Returns the parsed character.

letter() -> Parser<Character>

Parses a letter (an upper case or lower case character). Returns the parsed character.

digit() -> Parser<Character>

Parses a digit. Returns the parsed character.

hexDigit() -> Parser<Character>

Parses a hexadecimal digit (a digit or a letter between 'a' and 'f' or 'A' and 'F'). Returns the parsed character.

octDigit() -> Parser<Character>

Parses an octal digit (a character between '0' and '7'). Returns the parsed character.

char(_ c: Character) -> ParserClosure<Character>

char(c) parses a single character c. Returns the parsed character (i.e. c).

func semiColon () -> StringParser<Character> {
  return char(";")()

anyChar() -> Parser<Character>

This parser succeeds for any character. Returns the parsed character.

satisfy(_ f: (Character) -> Bool) -> ParserClosure<Character>

The parser satisfy(f) succeeds for any character for which the supplied function f returns 'true'. Returns the character that is actually parsed.

func digit () -> StringParser<Character> {
  return satisfy(isDigit)()

string(_ s: String) -> ParserClosure<String>

string(s) parses a string given by s. Returns the parsed string (i.e. s).

func divOrMod () -> StringParser<String> {
  return ( string("div") <|> string("mod") )()


Combinators are functions for combining other parsers. They can be used on any parser, not only character parsers.

choice(_ ps: [ParserClosure<a>]) -> ParserClosure<a>

choice(ps) tries to apply the parsers in the array ps in order, until one of them succeeds. Returns the value of the succeeding parser.

option(_ x: a, _ p: ParserClosure<a>) -> ParserClosure<a>

option(x, p) tries to apply parser p. If p fails without consuming input, it returns the value x, otherwise the value returned by p.

func priority () -> StringParser<Int> {
  return option(0, digit >>- { d in
    if let i = Int(String(d)) {
      return create(i)
    } else {
      return fail("this will not happen")

optionMaybe(_ p: ParserClosure<a>) -> ParserClosure<a?>

optionMaybe(p) tries to apply parser p. If p fails without consuming input, it returns '.none', otherwise it returns '.some' the value returned by p.

optional(_ p: ParserClosure<a>) -> ParserClosure<()>

optional(p) tries to apply parser p. It will parse p or nothing. It only fails if p fails after consuming input. It discards the result of p.

between(_ open: ParserClosure<x>, _ close: ParserClosure<y>, _ p: ParserClosure<a>) -> ParserClosure<a>

between(open, close, p) parses open, followed by p and close. Returns the value returned by p.

func braces<a> (_ p: StringParserClosure<a>) -> StringParserClosure<a> {
  return between(char("{"), char("}"), p)

skipMany(_ p: ParserClosure<a>) -> ParserClosure<()>

skipMany(p) applies the parser p zero or more times, skipping its result.

func spaces<c: Collection> () -> Parser<(), c> {
  return skipMany(space)()

skipMany1(_ p: ParserClosure<a>) -> ParserClosure<()>

skipMany1(p) applies the parser p one or more times, skipping its result.

many(_ p: ParserClosure<a>) -> ParserClosure<[a]>

many(p) applies the parser p zero or more times. Returns an array of the returned values of p.

func identifier () -> StringParser<String> {
  return ( letter >>- { c in
    many(alphaNum <|> char("_")) >>- { cs in
      return create(String(c) + String(cs))
  } )()

many1(_ p: ParserClosure<a>) -> ParserClosure<[a]>

many1(p) applies the parser p one or more times. Returns an array of the returned values of p.

func word () -> StringParser<[Character]> {
  return many1(letter)()

sepBy(_ p: ParserClosure<a>, _ sep: ParserClosure<x>) -> ParserClosure<[a]>

sepBy(p, sep) parses zero or more occurrences of p, separated by sep. Returns a list of values returned by p.

func commaSep<a> (_ p: StringParserClosure<a>) -> StringParserClosure<[a]> {
  return sepBy(p, char(","))

sepBy1(_ p: ParserClosure<a>, _sep: ParserClosure<x>) -> ParserClosure<[a]>

sepBy1(p, sep) parses one or more occurrences of p, separated by sep. Returns a list of values returned by p.

sepEndBy1(_ p: ParserClosure<a>, _ sep: ParserClosure<x>) -> ParserClosure<[a]>

sepEndBy1(p, sep) parses one or more occurrences of p, separated and optionally ended by sep. Returns a list of values returned by p.

sepEndBy(_ p: ParserClosure<a>, _ sep: ParserClosure<x>) -> ParserClosure<[a]>

sepEndBy(p, sep) parses zero or more occurrences of p, separated and optionally ended by sep. Returns a list of values returned by p.

endBy1(_ p: ParserClosure<a>, _ sep: ParserClosure<x>) -> ParserClosure<[a]>

endBy1(p, sep) parses one or more occurrences of p, separated and ended by sep. Returns a list of values returned by p.

endBy(_ p: ParserClosure<a>, _ sep: ParserClosure<x>) -> ParserClosure<[a]>

endBy(p, sep) parses zero or more occurrences of p, separated and ended by sep. Returns a list of values returned by p.

count(_ n: Int, _ p: ParserClosure<a>) -> ParserClosure<[a]>

count(n, p) parses n occurrences of p. If n is smaller or equal to zero, the parser equals to create([]). Returns a list of n values returned by p.

chainr(_ p: ParserClosure<a>, _ op: ParserClosure<(a, a) -> a>, _ x: a) -> ParserClosure<a>

chainr(p, op, x) parses zero or more occurrences of p, separated by op. Returns a value obtained by a right associative application of all functions returned by op to the values returned by p. If there are no occurrences of p, the value x is returned.

chainl(_ p: ParserClosure<a>, _ op: ParserClosure<(a, a) -> a>, _ x: a) -> ParserClosure<a>

chainl(p, op, x) parses zero or more occurrences of p, separated by op. Returns a value obtained by a left associative application of all functions returned by op to the values returned by p. If there are no occurrences of p, the value x is returned.

chainl1(_ p: ParserClosure<a>, _ op: ParserClosure<(a, a) -> a>) -> ParserClosure<a>

chainl1(p, op) parses one or more occurrences of p, separated by op. Returns a value obtained by a left associative application of all functions returned by op to the values returned by p. This parser can for example be used to eliminate left recursion which typically occurs in expression grammars.

func expr () -> StringParser<Int> {
  return chainl1(term, addop)()
func term () -> StringParser<Int> {
  return chainl1(factor, mulop)()
func factor () -> StringParser<Int> {
  return (parens(expr) <|> integer)()

func mulop () -> StringParser<(Int, Int) -> Int> {
  return (char("*") >>> create(*)
      <|> char("/") >>> create(/))()
func addop () -> StringParser<(Int, Int) -> Int> {
  return (char("+") >>> create(+)
      <|> char("-") >>> create(-))()

chainr1(_ p: ParserClosure<a>, _ op: ParserClosure<(a, a) -> a>) -> ParserClosure<a>

chainr1(p, op) parses one or more occurrences of p, separated by op. Returns a value obtained by a right associative application of all functions returned by op to the values returned by p.

anyToken<c: Collection> () -> Parser<c.Iterator.Element>

The parser anyToken accepts any kind of token. It is for example used to implement 'eof'. Returns the accepted token.

eof() -> Parser<()>

This parser only succeeds at the end of the input. This is not a primitive parser but it is defined using 'notFollowedBy'.

notFollowedBy(_ p: ParserClosure<a>) -> ParserClosure<()>

notFollowedBy(p) only succeeds when parser p fails. This parser does not consume any input. This parser can be used to implement the 'longest match' rule. For example, when recognizing keywords (for example let), we want to make sure that a keyword is not followed by a legal identifier character, in which case the keyword is actually an identifier (for example lets). We can program this behaviour as follows:

func keywordLet () -> StringParser<String> {
  return attempt(string("let") <<< notFollowedBy(alphaNum))()

manyTill(_ p: ParserClosure<a>, _ end: ParserClosure<x>) -> ParserClosure<[a]>

manyTill(p, end) applies parser p zero or more times until parser end succeeds. Returns the list of values returned by p. This parser can be used to scan comments:

func simpleComment () -> StringParser<String> {
  return (string("<!--") >>> manyTill(anyChar, attempt(string("-->"))) >>- { cs in create(String(cs)) })()

Note the overlapping parsers anyChar and string("-->"), and therefore the use of the 'attempt' combinator.


All credits goes to Daan Leijen and Erik Meijer for creating Parsec in Haskell.
