snappdf copied to clipboard
snappdf generation doesnt work on Mac
Attempting to generate a simple file fails
vendor/bin/snappdf convert --html=“<html></html>” g.pdf
In Snappdf.php line 232:
The command “‘<dir>/vendor/beganovich/snappdf/versions/1007374-Mac/chrome-mac/’ ‘--he
adless’ ‘--disable-gpu’ ‘--disable-translate’ ‘--disable-extensions’ ‘--disable-sync’ ‘--disable-background-networking’ ‘--disa
ble-software-rasterizer’ ‘--disable-default-apps’ ‘--disable-dev-shm-usage’ ‘--safebrowsing-disable-auto-update’ ‘--run-all-com
positor-stages-before-draw’ ‘--no-first-run’ ‘--no-margins’ ‘--no-sandbox’ ‘--print-to-pdf-no-header’ ‘--hide-scrollbars’ ‘--ig
nore-certificate-errors’ ‘--print-to-pdf=/private/var/folders/6_/7ccw7k2946v3r9zjy924khqr0000gn/T/pdf_4bLQcK.pdf’ ‘/private/var
/folders/6_/7ccw7k2946v3r9zjy924khqr0000gn/T/html_OxxjEt.html’” failed.
Exit Code: 126(Invoked command cannot execute)
Working directory: <dir>
Error Output:
sh: <dir>vendor/beganovich/snappdf/versions/1007374-Mac/chrome-mac/ is a directory
sh: line 0: exec: <dir>/vendor/beganovich/snappdf/versions/1007374-Mac/chrome-mac/ cannot execute: Undefined error: 0
This look to me like issues with permissions. Unfortunately, I don't have access to Mac at the moment. Can you try to try to make it executable?
chmod +x /vendor/beganovich/snappdf/versions/1007374-Mac/chrome-mac/
and try running the command again.
Hi. Sorry for the delay... I dont have access to the mac 100% of the time, its a server, but managed to get to it today.
first thing is:
I could make the directory executable but not sure thats what is desired?
I have no knowledge of Chromium, sorry and not the best mac user around either, but traversing the tree there is a file called Chromium here:
I've tried to make this executable and then run it. Something happens but not sure if its supposed to stay up as after a few seconds the executable terminates. I can try to be a little more responsive if you need me to try anything else. is directory? Can you manually download the Chromium application from this URL:
After extracting it should give you file. Is it archive or single file you can execute?
wow, fancy bringing this back to life after so long...
The zip file has the executable in this structure:\chrome-mac\\Contents\MacOS\Chromium
The Chormium file is not exectuable. I have tried to make it exectuable and it does respond:
Chormium --version Chromium 120.0.6097.0
I've also tried to set the chromium path:
and this fails too. Also tried:
Nothing woked. Could it be snappdf is calling Chromium chromium?? (lowercase c)?
Can you point environment and see if that work? SNAPPDF_EXECUTABLE_PATH
I have tried this too, and get the same result, i.e. no pdf -- a 500 error. I realised I have not stated that SNAPPDF is being used in invoiceninja and that I have also configured .env inline with this:
allow pdf generation on a mac with any of the paths above configured against these variables