Safe-RL-Benchmark copied to clipboard
A library to benchmark reinforcement learning algorithms
Safe Reinforcement Learning Library for Python
.. image:: :target: :alt: Build Status
.. image:: :target: :alt: Documentation Status
.. image:: :target: :alt: Coverage
SafeRLBench provides an interface for algorithms, environments and policies, to support a reusable benchmark environment.
| PyPI: <>
| Repository: <>
| Documentation: <>
The main module contains base classes that define an interface and benchmark facilities that are used to run and compare algorithms. Further the library contains three submodules that contain content using respective base classes.
Algorithm module algo
Contains algorithm implementations like PolicyGradient
or SafeOpt
Classes in this module are subclasses of the AlgorithmBase
Environment module envs
Contains environment implementations like LinearCar
or Quadrocopter
environments. These are subclasses of the EnvironmentBase
Policy module policy
Contains policies. Although some policies are specific for the use with
certain algorithms, they are still separated in an individual module,
providing a interface as defined through the Policy
base class, since in
there are cases in which they can be optimized through different algorithms.
SafeRLBench requires:
- NumPy >= 1.7
- SciPy >= 0.19.0
- six >= 1.10
- futures >= 3.0.5 for python 2.7
The package is available on PyPi, which means it can easily be installed using
``pip install SafeRLBench``
The best way to install and use this library is to clone or fork it from the
``git clone``
To use the content that has already been implemented as is, navigate into the
root directory and execute:
``python install``
In many cases it makes sense to extend or adapt the content. Then the develop
setup is your friend. Again, navigate to the root directory of the repository
and execute:
``python develop``
Getting Started
The following instructions can be executed in many ways. You may use your
favorite interactive interpreter, include it in scripts or use some form of
notebook to get started.
In the examples directory one may find a notebook containing the examples
described below.
Optimizing a Policy
To get started we will try and optimize a policy on a very simple environment.
To accomplish this we need to make a few decisions. First we need some task to
solve. This is implemented in the form of environments in the envs
import the linear car class
from SafeRLBench.envs import LinearCar
get an instance with the default arguments
linear_car = LinearCar()
Ok, so far so good. Next we need a policy. Again, before anything gets too
complicated, let us take linear mapping. Fortunately there is a linear mapping
implemented in the policy
import the linear policy class
from SafeRLBench.policy import LinearPolicy
instantiate it with d_state=2 and d_action=1
policy = LinearPolicy(2, 1)
setup some initial parameters
policy.parameters = [1, 1, 1]
Notice that we did not use the default parameters this time. The LinearPolicy
is a linear mapping from an element of a d_state-dimensional space to a
d_action-dimensional space. Our linear_car
instance with the default
arguments is just a car with a (position, velocity)-state on a line, thus our
state space is two dimensional and we can accelerate along the line, so our
action space is one dimensional.
Now we need our third and last ingredient, which is the algorithm that
optimizes the policy on the environment. On this environment PolicyGradient
with central differences gradient estimator proved to be a very stable
import the policy gradient class
from SafeRLBench.algo import PolicyGradient
instantiate it with the environment and algorithm
optimizer = PolicyGradient(linear_car, policy, estimator='central_fd')
Earlier we set some initial parameters. The PolicyGradient
optimizer will
check if there are initial parameters and use those if present. If there are
no parameters set he will randomly initialize them, until he finds a nonzero
optimize the policy when everything is set up.
Now the algorithm might run for a while depending on how much effort the optimization takes. Unfortunately no information on the progress shows up, yet. We will deal with that in the next part.
Lets take a look at what actually happened during the run. For this we can
access the monitor
and generate some plots. For example, we could plot the
reward evolution during optimization.
use matplotlib for plotting
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
retrieve the rewards
y = optimizer.monitor.rewards plt.plot(range(len(y)), y)
Especially when you try to set up a new environment it is often very useful
to get some logging information. In `SafeRLBench` there is an easy way to
setup some global configurations. Let us access the global `config` variable:
>>> # import the config variable
>>> from SafeRLBench import config
Well, thats it. The `config` variable is an instance of the class `SRBConfig`,
which contains methods to manipulate the overall behavior. For example we can
easily make the logger print to stdout:
>>> # output to stdout
>>> config.logger_add_stream_handler()
Or we might want to change the level of the logger:
>>> # print debug information
>>> config.logger_set_level(config.DEBUG)
There are some more tricks and tweaks to it, which can be found directly in the
class documentation. For example we can directly assign a handler or we can
add an additional file handler that writes our output to a file, etc. For more
information on that refer to the documentation.
In general the class methods and attributes will follow the a naming
convention, that is, the first part of the name will regard the part we want
to configure and the second part will describe what we want to change.
Apart from the logger, let's say we want to change the amount of jobs that are
used by the benchmarking facility. (We will see it in the next section.)
Simply configure it with:
>>> # set number of jobs to 4
>>> config.jobs_set(4)
Or set the verbosity level of the monitor:
>>> # increase verbosity to 2
>>> config.monitor_set_verbosity(2)
We can optimize policies on environments now, the next thing we want to do
is benchmarking. For this we can use the benchmark facilities that the
library provides. In order to run a benchmark, we need to produce an instance
When we take a look at the documentation of this class, it takes two arguments.
The first one is ``algs`` the second one ``envs``. And now it gets a litte bit
weird, both of them are a list of a list of tuples where the second element is
a list of dictionaries. Confused? Yes, but here is a simple example:
>>> # define environment configuration.
>>> envs = [[(LinearCar, {'horizon': 100})]]
>>> # define algorithms configuration.
>>> algs = [[
... (PolicyGradient, [{
... 'policy': LinearPolicy(2, 1, par=[-1, -1, 1]),
... 'estimator': 'central_fd',
... 'var': var
... } for var in [1, 1.5, 2, 2.5]])
... ]]
So what happens? The outer most lists of envs and algs will get zipped, such
that we can support pair wise configurations. Further, the tuple contains a
class in the first element and a list of configurations dictionaries in the
second element. This essentially allows quick generation of many configurations
for a single algorithm or environment. Finally the cartesian product of **all**
configurations in the inner lists will be executed by the ``Bench``.
So in the example above, we only have a single environment configuration,
but the corresponding list in ``algs`` contains four configurations for the
``PolicyGradient``. Overall this will result in four test runs.
In case we had
>>> envs_two = [(LinearCar, {'horizon': 100}), (LinearCar, {'horizon': 200})]
``BenchConfig`` would supply eight configurations to the ``Bench``. By the way,
if the outer list is not needed, it can safely be omitted.
>>> # import BenchConfig
>>> from SafeRLBench import BenchConfig
>>> # instantiate BenchConfig
>>> config = BenchConfig(algs, envs)
Next we can evaluate the configuration achieving the best performance. The
library contains a tool for this, the measures.
>>> # import the best performance measure
>>> from SafeRLBench.measure import BestPerformance
>>> # import the Bench
>>> from SafeRLBench import Bench
>>> # instantiate the bench
>>> bench = Bench(config, BestPerformance())
It is also possible to avoid the config step and do it automatically with a
bench factory.
>>> # create bench instance with constructor
>>> bench = Bench.make_bench(algs, envs, BestPerformance())
Either way, now the bench is ready to run. Calling the instance will first run
and then evaluate the results.
>>> # run the benchmark
>>> bench()
The result of the evaluation is stored in the measure, which is stored in the
measures field. ``measures`` is a list of all measure instances we passed and
their result can be accessed through the ``result`` property.
>>> bench.measures[0]
<SafeRLBench.measure.BestPerformance at 0x1211307b8>
>>> best_run = bench.measures[0].result[0][0]
>>> monitor = best_run.get_alg_monitor()
>>> # extract the best trace
>>> best_trace = monitor.traces[monitor.rewards.index(max(monitor.rewards))]
>>> # plot the position of the best trace
>>> y = [t[1][0] for t in best_trace]
>>> x = range(len(y))
>>> plt.plot(x, y)
Using SafeOpt
The last section of Getting Started involves optimization using SafeOpt
There is a notebook SafeOpt.ipynb in the examples directory containing the
following and further examples.
To use SafeOpt
additional requirements are needed: safeopt, GPy
In the following we want to use SafeOpt
to safely optimize a controller for
the quadrocopter environment.
As always, we start by importing all the necessary tools:
GPy is needed to supply
with a kernelimport GPy
Algorithm, Environment and Controller
from SafeRLBench.algo import SafeOptSwarm from SafeRLBench.envs import Quadrocopter from SafeRLBench.policy import NonLinearQuadrocopterController
Bench and Measures
from SafeRLBench import Bench from SafeRLBench.measure import SafetyMeasure, BestPerformance
Unfortunately we can not use multiple jobs when optimizing with SafeOpt
because GPy
does contain lambda expressions, which are not pickable.
Let us make sure everything is configured properly.
from SafeRLBench import config config.jobs_set(1) config.logger_add_stream_handler() config.logger_set_level(config.INFO) config.monitor_set_verbosity(2)
Now, with everything imported we are ready to define our test runs. For the environment, let us just take the default configuration of the quadrocopter:
envs = [(Quadrocopter, {})]
And for the algorithm, let us try different values for the variance.
noise_var = 0.05**2
the safety constraint on the performance, we do not want to drop below fmin.
fmin = -2300
bounds for the possible controller parameters
bounds = [(0., 1.), (0., 1.), (0., 1.), (0., 1.), (0., 1.)] algos = [ ... (SafeOptSwarm, [{ ... 'policy': NonLinearQuadrocopterController(), ... 'kernel': GPy.kern.RBF(input_dim=len(bounds), variance=std**2, lengthscale=0.2, ARD=True), ... 'likelihood': GPy.likelihoods.gaussian.Gaussian(variance=noise_var), ... 'max_it': 20, ... 'avg_reward': -1500, ... 'window': 3, ... 'fmin': fmin, ... 'bounds': bounds, ... 'swarm_size': 1000, ... 'info': std, ... } for std in [1000, 1250, 1500, 1750, 2000]])]
Ok there are a lot of arguments here. The documentation contains descriptions for each of them. Here we will just observe what happens.
produce the bench, initialize the safety measure with fmin
bench = Bench.make_bench(algos, envs, measures=[SafetyMeasure(fmin), BestPerformance()])
start the run and evaluation
After the run is finished we can observe what happened by analyzing the
measures. This is a bit cumbersome at the moment, but will potentially be
improved in the future with some additional convenience methods.
Anyways, the evaluation of the SafetyMeasure
could be accessed as follows.
(std, number of violations, amount of violations)
[(t[0].alg_conf['info'], t[1], t[2]) for t in bench.measures[0].result] [(1000, 0, 0), (1250, 0, 0), (1500, 0, 0), (1750, 0, 0), (2000, 0, 0)]
And the performance:
(std, max reward)
print([(t[0].alg_conf['info'], int(t[1])) for t in bench.measures[1].result]) [(1000, -1781), (1250, -1853), (2000, -1901), (1500, -1906), (1750, -1958)]
Note that the numbers where produced in an example run. Since the optimization process uses a random number generator, the results will be different for every run. If we needed a statistical estimate for the results, we could run the algorithm multiple times with the same parameters and use comprehension to estimate expectation and standard deviation.