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EventNext is logic interface design actors components for .net core


EventNext is logic interface design in event driven components for .net core




PM> Install-Package EventNext

Define logic

    public interface IUserService
        Task<int> Income(int value);

        Task<int> Payout(int value);

        Task<int> Amount();

    public class UserService : IUserService
        private int mAmount;   

        public Task<int> Amount()
            return Task.FromResult(mAmount);

        public Task<int> Income(int value)
            mAmount += value;
            return Task.FromResult(mAmount);

        public Task<int> Payout(int value)
            mAmount -= value;
            return Task.FromResult(mAmount);


henry = EventCenter.Create<IUserService>("henry");
nb = EventCenter.Create<IUserService>("nb");
var result = await henry.Income(10);
result = await henry.Payout(10);
result = await nb.Income(10);
result = await nb.Payout(10);

Performance (vs akka.net)

default setting Environment:e3-1230v2 16g memory windows 2008r2 .netcore 2.15

  • Akka.net
    public class UserActor : ReceiveActor
        public UserActor()
            Receive<Income>(Income =>
                mAmount += Income.Memory;
            Receive<Payout>(Outlay =>
                mAmount -= Outlay.Memory;
            Receive<Get>(Outlay =>
        private decimal mAmount;
    Income income = new Income { Memory = i };
    var result = await nbActor.Ask<decimal>(income);
    Payout payout = new Payout { Memory = i };
    var result = await nbActor.Ask<decimal>(payout);
  • EventNext
    public class UserService : IUserService
        private int mAmount;   

        public Task<int> Amount()
            return Task.FromResult(mAmount);

        public Task<int> Income(int value)
            mAmount += value;
            return Task.FromResult(mAmount);

        public Task<int> Payout(int value)
            mAmount -= value;
            return Task.FromResult(mAmount);
    var result = await nb.Income(i);
    var result = await nb.Payout(i);