beets copied to clipboard
badfiles: Respect "quiet" mode during import hook
BAD one or more files failed checks:
/srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-342ac512-ae09-47a7-842f-d3158537d395/mnt/Audio/forbeets/Albums/aaa/bbb/Verified/flac/ccc.flac: checker exited with status 1
bbb.flac: *** Got error code 0:FLAC__STREAM_DECODER_ERROR_STATUS_LOST_SYNC
bbb.flac: ERROR while decoding data
What would you like to do?
a[B]ort, Skip, Continue?
command line:
/usr/local/bin/beet -vvv import /srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-342ac512-ae09-47a7-842f-d3158537d395/mnt/Audio/forbeets
plugins: fetchart embedart convert scrub replaygain lastgenre chroma lyrics fromfilename info badfiles ftintitle inline duplicates hook albumtypes smartplaylist missing
directory: /srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-342ac512-ae09-47a7-842f-d3158537d395/mnt/Audio/sorted
library: /srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-342ac512-ae09-47a7-842f-d3158537d395/mnt/Audio/beetsmusiclibrary.blb
art_filename: albumart
threaded: yes
original_date: no
per_disc_numbering: yes
color: yes
text_success: green
text_warning: yellow
text_error: red
text_highlight: red
text_highlight_minor: lightgray
action_default: turquoise
action: blue
auto: no
ffmpeg: /usr/bin/ffmpeg
opts: -ab 320k -ac 2 -ar 48000
max_bitrate: 320
threads: 1
# default: $albumartist/$album%aunique{}/$disc-$track $title
# default: $albumartist/$album%aunique{}/$track - $title
# singleton: Non-Album/$artist - $title
# comp: Compilations/$album%aunique{}/$track - $title
# albumtype_soundtrack: Soundtracks/$album/$track $title
required: artist album
missing_tracks: strong
unmatched_tracks: strong
source: 2.0
artist: 3.0
album: 3.0
media: 1.0
mediums: 1.0
year: 1.0
country: 0.5
label: 0.5
catalognum: 0.5
albumdisambig: 0.5
album_id: 5.0
tracks: 2.0
missing_tracks: 0.9
unmatched_tracks: 0.6
track_title: 3.0
track_artist: 2.0
track_index: 1.0
track_length: 2.0
track_id: 5.0
ignored: missing_tracks unmatched_tracks
strong_rec_thresh: 0.75 # Reflects the distance threshold below which beets will make a “strong recommendation” that the metadata be used.
# Strong recommendations are accepted automatically (except in “timid” mode),
# so you can use this to make beets ask your opinion more or less often.
# The threshold is a distance value between 0.0 and 1.0, so you can think of it as the opposite of a similarity value.
# For example, if you want to automatically accept any matches above 90% similarity, use: "strong_rec_thresh: 0.10"
# The default strong recommendation threshold is 0.04.
# When a match is below the medium recommendation threshold
# or the distance between it and the next-best match is above the gap threshold,
# the importer will suggest that match but not automatically confirm it.
# Otherwise, you’ll see a list of options to choose from.
medium_rec_thresh: 0.125 # The medium_rec_thresh and rec_gap_thresh options work similarly.
default: Albums/$albumartist/[$year]$atypes $album/$disc-$track $title
albumtype:soundtrack: Various Artists/$album [$year]$atypes/$disc-$track $title
comp: Various Artists/$album [$year]$atypes/$disc-$track $title
singleton: Non-Album/$artist - $title
write: yes
copy: no
move: yes
resume: yes
incremental: yes
# incremental: no
quiet_fallback: skip
timid: no
log: /srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-342ac512-ae09-47a7-842f-d3158537d395/mnt/Audio/beet.log
# quiet: no
quiet: yes
none_rec_action: skip
default_action: apply
duplicate_action: keep
group_albums: yes
move: /srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-342ac512-ae09-47a7-842f-d3158537d395/mnt/Audio/Dupes/
checksum: ffmpeg -i {file} -f crc -
count: yes
# checksum: ''
multidisc: 1 if disctotal > 1 else 0
decade: str(year)[0:3]+"0s"
auto: yes
source: album
auto: yes
auto: yes
auto: no
auto: yes
'^\.': _
'[\x00-\x1f]': _
'[<>:"\?\*\|]': _
'[\xE8-\xEB]': e
'[\xEC-\xEF]': i
'[\xE2-\xE6]': a
'[\xF2-\xF6]': o
'[\xF8]': o
'\.$': _
'\s+$': ''
- ep: 'EP'
- single: 'Single'
- soundtrack: 'OST'
- live: 'Live'
- compilation: 'Anthology'
- remix: 'Remix'
- album: 'LP'
ignore_va: compilation
bracket: '[]'
check_on_import: yes
mp3: mp3val
flac: flac --test --warnings-as-errors --silent
m4a: ffprobe -v error
auto: yes
That's interesting! I admit I'm not a user of badfiles
, so I'm not intimately familiar with the expected behavior here. In a quiet import, it is indeed the case that we're not supposed to prompt—we just forge right ahead with an assumed action. Can you explain a little bit about how you would like this to work? What should the quiet-mode importer do when this plugin is enabled and does/does not find a problem in the files it's importing?
That's interesting! I admit I'm not a user of
, so I'm not intimately familiar with the expected behavior here. In a quiet import, it is indeed the case that we're not supposed to prompt—we just forge right ahead with an assumed action. Can you explain a little bit about how you would like this to work? What should the quiet-mode importer do when this plugin is enabled and does/does not find a problem in the files it's importing?
I would expect badfiles to run silently through the entire library and then for the results only to be available via 'beets bad' I would expect that to always be the case imo. Hoever I also believe that all plugin prompts for all plugins should be suppressed if quiet is set to yes. Perhaps this is an enhancement. Otherwise this could cause multi threading issues (possibly) where all the threads are tied up waiting for input but the console could, possibly, be unintelligable from console lines being overwritten or passing beyond the screen/buffer.
I hope this makes sense.
Yes, it does! I've marked this as a bug. When it runs as an import hook, the plugin should probably not print anything and it should definitely not prompt for input.
I'm guessing this requires a modification to the plugin architecture ? so that it applies to all plugins ? I wonder what would happen if something requires input to continue and has no skip ability ?
I don't think so—it seems inevitable that this will be on a plugin-by-plugin basis (so they can bring their own notion of what "quietness" means, i.e., what they should do by default when the user can't provide input). So the badfiles
plugin just needs to check the quiet
flag and act accordingly.
Is that not asking for bugs to be raised if they don't respect the quiet flag ? It would seem better to handle this at a higher level, or enforce at plugin level ?
Yes, it is indeed inviting bugs to be filed if the plugins don't respect the flag. Unfortunately, I think this is the only way to do it because the plugin's logic in quiet mode is very plugin-specific.
We already do some of the "generic" thing with logging, i.e.,
has a different effect when the plugin is run "alone" vs. as part of the import pipeline.
Really no comments on the PR ?