homebrew-rmtree copied to clipboard
Add manual selection mode 'm'
brew rmtree octave
==> Examining installed formulae required by octave...
Can safely be removed
1 arpack
2 epstool
3 fftw
4 ghostscript
5 gl2ps
6 glpk
7 gnu-sed
8 graphicsmagick
9 hdf5
10 imagemagick
11 jbig2dec
12 little-cms2
13 plotutils
14 pstoedit
15 qhull
16 qrupdate
17 suite-sparse421
Remove these packages? ('m' for manual selection) [y/m/N]: m
Enter space-separated list of indices of packages to remove: 1 2 3 5 6 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
==> Cleaning up 14 packages safe to remove
Neat idea. I'll take a look. Thanks
Bump :)