Bede Overend
Bede Overend
So not quite sure I fully understand, as deduping won't be affected by putting into global namespace. But > make a umd dir for current simpla.min.js as well as UMDified...
Note: anyone currently facing this problem can get around it by importing `simpla.js` directly, e.g. use this snippet in your code: ```js import Simpla from 'simpla/simpla.js' window.Simpla = Simpla; ```...
As per mentioned in #86, I think we should have ES and UMD builds for each part of Simpla, so that will be: - Simpla - Simpla Adapters - Simpla...
Worth noting it seems only Chrome has implemented this - WebKit has an open [bug](
Yeah I agree, generally don't think polyfills should get shipped with libraries. The only features that IE11 doesn't have that are currently needed are `keys()`and `values()`, which this uses just...
Or, obviously other option re: transpilation is just let people transpile themselves when they use it in their own projects.
See - that gives support for IE11. I realised that IE11 just has partial support for `Map` / `WeakMap`, so it meant tweaking usage slightly to get it to...