update-time-on-edit-obsidian copied to clipboard
Folder to exclude doesn't be excluded
Thanks for the addon, it helps me a lot!
Recently I've just found an issue even if I've set the folders under the 'Folder to exclude' under 'update' and 'created' function settings, it's still be added the corresponding 'front matter' in the excluded files.
Basically, all the excluded folders I set are the folders that contain the template files, and each time they've been added the 'update' and 'created' front matters is the time it's been imported by triggering the template function in Obsidian. In addition, the 'created' time will remain the time it's been first imported and added to the 'created' front matter.
I'm having this same issue, reinstalling doesn't seem to help. any insights?
Not much insight, but a tip for usage. Try to type something in a new created file first and import the needed template after the auto timestamp has been made.
I, too, have excluded my Templates folder – to no effect.
The folder is buried under "3-Resources/Templates" but the plugin allows "Example: folder1/folder2"
Nevertheless, updated and created Properties are created.
Any resolution?
I can't reproduce the issue, since I'm myself using this plugin, with a folder that is excluded deeply nested and I don't have any issues.
A reproduction vault is welcomed so that I can actually see the issue
beaussan, it works on some folders but not others. As we've seen here, others are having the same problem with their Templates folder.
I'm wondering: does it have a hard time with pre-existing folders (created before installing the plugin) but work with subsequently created folders?
If so, might one the Template folder, recreate a new Templates folder, then migrate old Template files into the new folder? Admittedly, this is after editing all the Template files with an editor external to Obsidian to remove the created/updated metadata.
Alas, no. I tried moving all the Templates out of the Template folder, edited each one in Visual Studio Code to remove the created/updated lines, and then moved them back into the Template folder. They still come in to a note with created/updated lines.
I was having the same issue, and was able to resolve it by closing other instances of Obsidian that I had open at the same time (specifically, Obsidian was open on my laptop while I was working on my Desktop). Once I closed the laptop Obsidian, the "exclude" folders are indeed now excluded from updates.
So it seems that if you add an exclusion while Obsidian is also open on a different machine (or phone, presumably) then it generates some kind of race/conflict.