
Results 17 comments of beaston02

Are you in fact blocked? You confirmed by checking the output of curl? How to get a new IP will depend on your provider. I use scaleway, and it’s as...

Thank you for reporting. Is this an error you have had often? This is one of the less popular scripts I have written, and therefor fewer bug reports, as well...

Ok. I'll lol into it and see if I can't get it fixed. If I don't get to it today, I should have it done tomorrow.

I just posted an update. It should now retry after 20 seconds instead of killing the process. Please let me know how it works for you. I did about 1...

Did you by chance try visiting camster in a browser? Was there any logged output? If I'm not mistaking, I don't believe it will log anything on an error. It's...

I may have misread... When you say exceptions, is it just logging errors to the screen and it continues to run fine? Do new recordings continue to start? Sorry, I...

Ok. Thanks for clarifying. I'm glad it's working as it should be regardless of the exceptions being thrown. from quickly looking at it (on my phone at that), it doesn't...