The 3-byte response is a "Negative Response Code (NRC)". It indicates that the ECU returned some sort of error in response to the request. - The first byte ($7F) just...
It is odd that the CAN ID in the response is $7EC. This is the CAN ID for a response from ECU#5. I would have expected the response to come...
The engine computer is returning a negative response code (0x7F) for service 0x01 with a value of 0x11 (service not supported). So it seems like your car doesn't support reading...
The ECU at address 0x10 responded with service not supported. Maybe there are multiple ECUs and the wrong one responded? The ELM327 allows you to set the message header to...
For your reference, if you figure out how to change the message header, the format of the header would be '80 xx F1', where xx would be the ECU address...
Did you try other services like read trouble codes or reading out the VIN? Maybe this ECU uses manufacturer specific PIDs to get the live data....
If you got your copy of python-obd from github, and you've pulled down the latest version of the master branch, there is a command called 'VIN' to get the VIN....