ruby-ldap copied to clipboard
Ruby/LDAP is an extension library for Ruby. It provides the interface to some LDAP libraries (e.g. OpenLDAP, Netscape SDK and Active Directory). The common API for application development is described...
patch for ruby's deprecation warning.
I want to build a rails3 website authed with LDAP, so I chose ruby-ldap gem (not net/ldap) which we used in our old rails2 apps and works very well. But...
When using openldap 2.x link against the thread-safe version of the library.
If you have everything set up and try to run the sample code for SASL auth (test/bind-sasl.rb), it will crash with "No implicit conversion of nil into String". This is...
I saw the support for simple paged searching , how about server side sorting and visual list view?
Hi there. This is a complex topic, but right now what's needed is more info from underlying layer. Take for ex., ``` > begin;, port, true) ; rescue =>...
``` dn: MYDNHERE sn: Khanin givenName: Alex whenCreated: 20080910232037.0Z displayName: Khanin, Alex department: MYDEPTHERE sAMAccountName: myloginhere mail: MYEMAILHERE manager: MYMGRDNHERE thumbnailPhoto:< file:///var/tmp/ldapsearch-thumbnailPhoto-S8oDGY ``` This file:///var/tmp/ldapsearch-thumbnailPhoto-S8oDGY exists and is readable (contains...
``` @@ -144,21 +174,13 @@ rb_ldap_entry_get_attributes (VALUE self) VALUE rb_ldap_entry_to_hash (VALUE self) { - VALUE attrs = rb_ldap_entry_get_attributes (self); - VALUE hash = rb_hash_new (); - VALUE attr, vals; -...
C functions like `ldap_open` block until a connection is opened. If an upstream LDAP is bogged down, or someone attempts to connect to a server that doesn't support LDAP and...
Dear all, I struggled whole day with this issue and failed to compile this on my Windows 7 box. My setup is Ruby 1.9.3p0 (from Ruby Installer) or Ruby 1.9.3p194...