Ben Baumer
Ben Baumer
This doesn't (yet), but the addition of `cancelled` does. The good news is I fixed the `create` bug #17.
See (
Note that hadley has made this change to `nycflights13`
This is done.
So now I am thinking that we do this differently. I am thinking: - store `dep_time` and `arr_time` as `POSIXct` timestamps - store `dep_delay` and `arr_delay` as integers - drop...
@nicholasjhorton what do you think of this idea?
We have some of this functionality now, but it is not complete.
It's easy to find these instances using: ``` which($batterPos) & out$batterId > 0) ```
FYI, the total footprint for the MySQL data is 23 Gb: ``` bbaumer@bbaumer-Precision-Tower-7810:~/dumps/airlines$ sudo du -h /var/lib/mysql 8.0K /var/lib/mysql/mtcars 212K /var/lib/mysql/performance_schema 23G /var/lib/mysql/airlines 1.1M /var/lib/mysql/mysql 27G /var/lib/mysql ``` Plus the...
``` r library(airlines) #> Loading required package: etl #> Loading required package: dplyr #> #> Attaching package: 'dplyr' #> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats': #> #> filter, lag...