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Dockerized - Medusa Server Stack with PostgreSQL, Minio, MeiliSearch, and Stripe Payment Gateway
A dockerized version of Medusa Server Stack with Traefik, PostgreSQL, Minio, MeiliSearch, and Stripe Payment Gateway.
- docker and
- docker-compose
Stack Components
The Medusa server stack consists of the following components:
- Traefik + Dashboard: A popular reverse proxy and load balancer.
- PostgreSQL: A powerful and open-source relational database system.
- Minio: An open-source object storage server compatible with Amazon S3 APIs.
- MeiliSearch: A fast and easy-to-use search engine.
- Stripe Payment Gateway: A payment gateway that allows you to accept payments securely and easily.
## Build image
Medusa admin requires > 1GB RAM to build. So yo have different options here:
- Build the image with the admin locally and push it to a remote registry.
- Build the image using Gitlab CI and push it to its registry.
- Do not build the admin at all.
### Build image using Gitlab CI
- Import the repository to your Gitlab account.
- Go to your project's settings > CI/CD sections in the sidebar menu.
- Expand the "Variables" section and fill them as with the required values to build the backend:
- COOKIE_SECRET=xxxxxxxxxxx
- JWT_SECRET=xxxxxxxxxxx
- MEILISEARCH_HOST=http://meilisearch:7700
- MINIO_ACCESS_KEY=xxxxxxxxxxx
- MINIO_BUCKET=medusa-test
- MINIO_ENDPOINT=http://storage:9000
- MINIO_SECRET_KEY=xxxxxxxxxxx
- REDIS_URL=redis://redis
- STRIPE_API_KEY=pk_test_xxxxxxxxx
- TARGET_DIRECTORY=/home/user/medusa-stack-dockerized
We should generate a key pair locally with ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096
to authenticate the Gitlab runner with our host. SSH_PRIVATE_KEY will be the private key, and the public key will go to the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
in our host.
Deploy using Gitlab CI
Gitlab CI will run automatically when pushing to main
branch. This will build the image, push it to the registry and deploy in the host.
Build and deploy
To deploy the Medusa server stack on your VPS, follow these steps:
Clone the repository to your VPS.
git clone [email protected]:beakman/medusa-stack-dockerized.git
Navigate to the medusa-stack-dockerized directory.
cd medusa-stack-dockerized
Initialize the git submodule for the medusa-starter.
git submodule update --init --recursive
Create a .env file from the .env.example file and set your environment variables.
cp .env.example .env
vim .env
Refer to to get your CloudFlare tokens.
Start the stack.
docker compose up -d
This command will start all the services in the stack in the background. By default it will try to get the image uploaded to the container registry configured in the CONTAINER_RELEASE_IMAGE
Check run logs.
docker compose logs -f
Or service specific:
docker compose logs -f meilisearch
Populate install with sample data:
docker compose exec -it backend medusa seed -f data/seed.json
Cleaning previous installations:
docker compose down
docker system prune -a -f --volumes
docker volume rm $(docker volume ls -q)
Configuring Minio storage
- Access
- Create a new bucket and call it as you did in
variable. - Set its privacy settings to public.
- Create a new "Access key" pair and copy them to
Update version
git submodule update --remote