stock-tracker icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
stock-tracker copied to clipboard

Track stock price in Emacs

  • Track stock price in Emacs

[[MIT licensed][file:]] [[][file:]] [[][file:]] [[][file:]] [[][file:]]

=stock-tracker= is a simple interface for Emacs to track stocks in china and us markets.

CHINA stock api: [[][Netease Stock (网易股票)]]\ US stock api: [[][CNBC]]

** Installation

Install =stock-tracker= from [[][MELPA]] with:

=M-x package-install RET stock-tracker RET=

** Usage

  • =stock-tracker-start= :: Start stock-tracker and display stock information with buffer

** Sample configuration

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp

;; Refresh stock price every 5*10 secs (customize-set-variable 'stock-tracker-refresh-interval 5)

;; Set up as green, down as red (customize-set-variable 'stock-tracker-up-red-down-green nil)

;; Customize stocks (customize-set-variable 'stock-tracker-list-of-stocks '("0688516" "0601012" "0601058" "0603707" "0603131" "1002585" "0600905" "1002594" "1300014" "1300750" "0600563"))

;; Example Key binding (global-set-key (kbd "C-c s") 'stock-tracker-start)


** Screenshot

[[screenshot.png][file:screenshot-1.png]] [[screenshot.png][file:screenshot-2.png]]

** Features

  • Support CHN (SS, SZ), US stocks.
  • Support asynchronous data fetching.
  • Automatically save list of added stocks.
  • Colorize stocks based on their price.

** Todo

  • Find new free api to get hk stocks.

** License

[[file:LICENSE][MIT LICENSE]]. Copyright (c) 2019-2024 Huming Chen [email protected]

** Donate

If you think that it's helpful for you, please consider paying a cup of coffee for me. Thank you! :smile:


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