Iosevka copied to clipboard
Combining Grave-Acute-Grave (`U+1DC8`), Acute-Grave-Acute (`U+1DC9`), Breve-Macron (`U+1DCB`), Macron-Breve (`U+1DCC`)
- The requested character is...
- [ ] Latin
- [ ] Cyrillic
- [ ] Greek
- [ ] Punctuation
- [x] Symbol
- [x] Some other monospace/programming fonts supported this character. Provide images below.
These are used in transcriptions of tonal languages. They go with U+1DC4
which are already supported.
◌᷈ ◌᷉ ◌᷋ ◌᷌
Noto Sans Mono:
Everson Mono:
Fairfax HD:
1DC9 should look like this , you have shown 1DC8 twice.
you have shown 1DC8 twice.
The remaining two marks are used in IPA.