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Feature: Solenoid as a spindle
Machine Context
I would like to have a row of pens that are controlled each by solenoids and using tool select (M6) to select different colors.
It would also be cool to use a solenoid as an engraving oscillator.
Feature Description
solenoid: output_pin: gpio.26 pwm_hz: 5000 enable_pin: NO_PIN disable_with_s0: false s0_with_disable: true tool_num: 0 off_percent: 0.000 pull_percent: 100.000 hold_percent: 20.000 pull_ms: 75 direction_invert: false
Other Approaches
I currently use an auxilary Arduino UNO that reads the M7 and M8 to select between 4 different pens. It reads the m3 output to drop and pickup pens
How I Can Help
I can Amazon a 4ch Mosfet and 4 12v solenoids to you guys.
Can you useoutputs? user ouputs?
You could implement the pull and hold with gcode delays G4...
Not quite. It's that percentage hold that I like after the initial stroke. (hold_percent).
This gcode has a pull and hold
M67 E0 Q100.00 ; pull level 100%
G4 P0.1 ; wait 0.1 sec
M67 E0 Q50.00 ; hold level 50%
It does,, But I don't know if I can make any of my Gcode creators can output that. I would also like to be drawing within 10ms so I don't make spots / puddles on what ever I'm drawing on.