FluidNC copied to clipboard
on v3.3.0 (but also on the previous version), my motor on a TMC5160 driver runs fine using the I2S_STATIC engine. I setup the config to 32 microstepping, 6400 steps per mm, 50mm per minute. When I jog 1 mm, the motor turns exactly 1 revolution as expected, all fine.
When I change nothing but the stepper engine to I2S_stream, jogging 1mm gives a bit more than 2.5 revolutions. I first assumed my controller board is broken, but I think it is more related to the software. Is this issue known? Is there a general recommendation, in which situation to use I2S_STATIC, and when I2S_STREAM?
Regards Christian
I'll look into that tomorrow. If there is an issue it is likely setup or firmware.
The hardware is used the same way in either mode.
I tested I2SO_Stream and I2SO_Static on my machine. They both behave the same as far as motion and resolution go.
Can you post the config file you used? Only post the one that works. I will change the I2S type myself.
Sure, here my config.yaml. Currently on my bench the motor is installed on the x axis. All drivers configured are installed on the board and initialize ok.
board: NCMate
name: CNC Maettenwil
must_home: false
engine: I2S_STATIC
idle_ms: 255
pulse_us: 10
dir_delay_us: 1
disable_delay_us: 0
shared_stepper_disable_pin: NO_PIN
steps_per_mm: 6400.000
max_rate_mm_per_min: 350.000
acceleration_mm_per_sec2: 50.00
max_travel_mm: 400.000
soft_limits: false
cycle: 2
positive_direction: false
mpos_mm: 150.000
feed_mm_per_min: 100.000
seek_mm_per_min: 200.000
settle_ms: 500
seek_scaler: 1.100
feed_scaler: 1.100
limit_neg_pin: NO_PIN
limit_pos_pin: NO_PIN
limit_all_pin: NO_PIN
hard_limits: false
pulloff_mm: 1.000
cs_pin: i2so.7
step_pin: i2so.6
direction_pin: i2so.5
disable_pin: i2so.4
r_sense_ohms: 0.075
run_amps: 0.8
hold_amps: 0.4
microsteps: 32
stallguard: 0
stallguard_debug: false
toff_disable: 0
toff_stealthchop: 5
toff_coolstep: 3
run_mode: StealthChop
homing_mode: StealthChop
use_enable: false
steps_per_mm: 640.000
max_rate_mm_per_min: 1500
acceleration_mm_per_sec2: 1000
max_travel_mm: 600.000
soft_limits: false
cycle: 2
positive_direction: false
mpos_mm: 150.000
feed_mm_per_min: 100.000
seek_mm_per_min: 200.000
settle_ms: 500
seek_scaler: 1.100
feed_scaler: 1.100
limit_neg_pin: NO_PIN
limit_pos_pin: NO_PIN
limit_all_pin: NO_PIN
hard_limits: false
pulloff_mm: 1.000
cs_pin: i2so.3
step_pin: i2so.2
direction_pin: i2so.1
disable_pin: i2so.0
r_sense_ohms: 0.075
run_amps: 2.00
hold_amps: 1.50
microsteps: 16
stallguard: 0
stallguard_debug: false
toff_disable: 0
toff_stealthchop: 5
toff_coolstep: 3
run_mode: StealthChop
homing_mode: StealthChop
use_enable: false
limit_neg_pin: NO_PIN
limit_pos_pin: NO_PIN
limit_all_pin: NO_PIN
hard_limits: false
pulloff_mm: 1.000
cs_pin: i2so.11
step_pin: i2so.10
direction_pin: i2so.9
disable_pin: i2so.8
r_sense_ohms: 0.075
run_amps: 2.00
hold_amps: 1.50
microsteps: 16
stallguard: 0
stallguard_debug: false
toff_disable: 0
toff_stealthchop: 5
toff_coolstep: 3
run_mode: StealthChop
homing_mode: StealthChop
use_enable: false
steps_per_mm: 640
max_rate_mm_per_min: 1500
acceleration_mm_per_sec2: 1000
max_travel_mm: 200
soft_limits: false
cycle: 1
mpos_mm: 100
positive_direction: true
limit_neg_pin: NO_PIN
limit_pos_pin: NO_PIN
limit_all_pin: NO_PIN
hard_limits: false
pulloff_mm: 1.000
cs_pin: i2so.15
step_pin: i2so.14
direction_pin: i2so.13
disable_pin: i2so.12
r_sense_ohms: 0.075
run_amps: 2.00
hold_amps: 1.50
microsteps: 16
stallguard: 0
stallguard_debug: false
toff_disable: 0
toff_stealthchop: 5
toff_coolstep: 3
run_mode: StealthChop
homing_mode: StealthChop
use_enable: false
bck_pin: gpio.22
data_pin: gpio.21
ws_pin: gpio.17
miso_pin: gpio.19
mosi_pin: gpio.23
sck_pin: gpio.18
card_detect_pin: NO_PIN
cs_pin: gpio.5
safety_door_pin: NO_PIN
reset_pin: NO_PIN
feed_hold_pin: NO_PIN
cycle_start_pin: NO_PIN
macro0_pin: NO_PIN
macro1_pin: NO_PIN
macro2_pin: NO_PIN
macro3_pin: NO_PIN
flood_pin: i2so.23
mist_pin: i2so.20
delay_ms: 0
pin: gpio.4:low
check_mode_start: true
forward_pin: i2so.16
reverse_pin: i2so.17
pwm_hz: 5000
output_pin: gpio.16
enable_pin: NO_PIN
direction_pin: NO_PIN
disable_with_s0: false
s0_with_disable: true
spinup_ms: 0
spindown_ms: 0
tool_num: 0
speed_map: 0=0.000% 10000=100.000%
What is the controller board?
It is going to take me a little while to setup a real test with all your settings.
Observation: The acceleration looks a little fast for all your other settings. With 1mm/rev you are asking a lot of that motor.
I was able to put both on a logic analyzer and they both look good for step generation. There is about 4us of jitter on the signal, but it would be negligible at your 50mm/min feed rate.
Hi, there is no rush, I can work well with I2S_STATIC. I lowered the acceleration, same result. Two videos attached, only difference is the stepper engine. Really super weird. I am running it on my own custom controller, I can send one over to you if you wish (but I just cannot imagine it is HW related). Btw, the motor also sound much harsher with I2S_STREAM
https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/10495848/149575199-c42715e4-cca3-4057-9153-9189c35509b8.mov https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/10495848/149575210-78e3868b-6504-4e10-a082-7308a5c269d9.mov
Quick update, attached my (cheapo) logic analyzer to the pulse signal on the driver, here what I get: With STATIC, I get evenly distributed pulses at constant speed, with STREAM I get missing pulses, sometimes pulses remaing high, and some pulses are triggering doubled. I see the same on several boards, it can we a hardware issue, but I cannot imagine where it could come from.
What have you done to ensure signal integrity on the I2S bus? I am guessing that you have not observed the waveforms with a scope. You did not provide a photo of your controller so we have no way to gauge the quality of your design and wiring practices.
That is unlike anything I have ever seen. Even when the I2S had problems in testing, the long step pulse was never seen.
At first I was assuming there could be a firmware problem, but I think the hardware is more likely now.
If you have bad signal quality on a clocked signal, ringing or edge timing discrepancies can cause all manner of false triggering. Static mode can have a different timing relationship between clock and data that could hide such problems.
Thank you for your input. I am fine assuming the issue is hardware related and will check further. I have not taken any sophisticated measures to ensure integrity. Bit Clock and Data line are around 50mm long, 0.254mm wide. Word and BCK have a via at each chip . BCK has a 10k pulldown. Is there any difference in clock period between the two modes?
For fast edge signals a ground return path needs to be physically close to the signal path for the entire length of the trace. Otherwise the impedance of the signal/return pair will vary, perhaps wildly, along the path, resulting in reflections that can cause false triggering, sometimes differently on different shift register chips.
I2S STREAM uses hardware to generate edges automatically. I2S_STATIC uses software for a lot of functions that are done with a hardware engine in STREAM mode.
Bart and I went to a lot of effort to design and validate the layout and the signal integrity of the boards that Bart sells, calling on decades of EE experience. The many hobbyist electronics tutorials on the internet make digital design seem easier than it actually is, especially when fast edges are involved.
Thank you. Will take this into account in my next version I am working on.
This might or might not help: I have a DLC32 and I2S_STATIC works 100% reliable, while I2S_STREAM does not: it uses less steps per mm (30% less), and moving forward in 4 moves and then moving back in one move yields a difference in position. So I2S_STREAM is not reliable. I cannot say if this is hardware related or something else is wrong, but I can confirm this behavior exists.
I noticed this issue, read through it, and figured I should chime in some data points. My 6-pack v1p5 exhibits similar issues when using stream, yet works fine with static. I haven't modified the board at all.
name: TrugMPCNC
board: 6-pack
# MPCNC Primo J w/ dual endstops, z-max, & 1-start z screw
# 6-pack v1p5 controller
# 4@ drv8255 (XXYY), 1@ 16 microstep hacked drv8255 (z)
# 2@ quad input, 1@ RS485, 1@ 5V output, 1@ fet 12V output,
# Huanyang rs485 VFD+1.5kW spindle & PWM laser
# Pause and Start buttons
engine: I2S_static
idle_ms: 255
dir_delay_us: 0
pulse_us: 4
disable_delay_us: 0
steps_per_mm: 200.000
max_rate_mm_per_min: 7500.000
acceleration_mm_per_sec2: 127.000
max_travel_mm: 562.000
soft_limits: true
cycle: 2
mpos_mm: -562.000
positive_direction: false
settle_ms: 250.000
seek_mm_per_min: 2000.000
feed_mm_per_min: 300.000
seek_scaler: 1.100
feed_scaler: 5.000
limit_neg_pin: gpio.33
limit_pos_pin: NO_PIN
limit_all_pin: NO_PIN
hard_limits: true
direction_pin: i2so.1
step_pin: i2so.2
disable_pin: i2so.0
ms3_pin: i2so.3
limit_neg_pin: gpio.32
limit_pos_pin: NO_PIN
limit_all_pin: NO_PIN
hard_limits: true
direction_pin: i2so.12
step_pin: i2so.13
disable_pin: i2so.15
ms3_pin: i2so.14
steps_per_mm: 200.000
max_rate_mm_per_min: 7500.000
acceleration_mm_per_sec2: 127.000
max_travel_mm: 562.000
soft_limits: true
cycle: 2
mpos_mm: -562.000
positive_direction: false
settle_ms: 250.000
seek_mm_per_min: 2000.000
feed_mm_per_min: 300.000
seek_scaler: 1.100
feed_scaler: 5.000
limit_neg_pin: gpio.35
limit_pos_pin: NO_PIN
limit_all_pin: NO_PIN
hard_limits: true
direction_pin: i2so.4
step_pin: i2so.5
disable_pin: i2so.7
ms3_pin: i2so.6
limit_neg_pin: gpio.34
limit_pos_pin: NO_PIN
limit_all_pin: NO_PIN
hard_limits: true
direction_pin: i2so.17
step_pin: i2so.18
disable_pin: i2so.16
ms3_pin: i2so.19
steps_per_mm: 1600.000
max_rate_mm_per_min: 700.000
acceleration_mm_per_sec2: 80.000
max_travel_mm: 150.000
soft_limits: true
cycle: 1
mpos_mm: 0.000
positive_direction: true
settle_ms: 250.000
seek_mm_per_min: 700.000
feed_mm_per_min: 300.000
seek_scaler: 1.100
feed_scaler: 5.000
limit_neg_pin: gpio.25
limit_pos_pin: NO_PIN
limit_all_pin: NO_PIN
hard_limits: true
direction_pin: i2so.9
step_pin: i2so.10
disable_pin: i2so.8
ms3_pin: i2so.11
bck_pin: gpio.22
data_pin: gpio.21
ws_pin: gpio.17
miso_pin: gpio.19
mosi_pin: gpio.23
sck_pin: gpio.18
cs_pin: gpio.5
feed_hold_pin: gpio.36:pu
cycle_start_pin: gpio.2:pu
txd_pin: gpio.26
rxd_pin: gpio.16
rts_pin: gpio.4
baud: 9600
mode: 8N1
modbus_id: 1
tool_num: 0
speed_map: 0=0% 0=25% 6000=25% 24000=100%
flood_pin: i2so.24
mist_pin: gpio.15
delay_ms: 1000.000
pin: gpio.39
check_mode_start: false
must_home: true
check_limits: true
deactivate_parking: false
digital0_pin: i2so.25
spinup_ms: 0
spindown_ms: 0
tool_num: 1
speeds: 0=0.0% 1000=100.0%
output_pin: gpio.13
enable_pin: gpio.14
disable_with_s0: false
s0_with_disable: false
pwm_hz: 5000
arc_tolerance_mm: 0.002
junction_deviation_mm: 0.010
verbose_errors: false
report_inches: false
enable_parking_override_control: false
use_line_numbers: false
Let me know if there's any other data I can provide.
@truglodite When using I2S_STREAM and you move a motor to e.g. 100mm, 200mm, 300mm and 400mm and then move back to 0mm, you get an offset? In my case it stays at approx. 10mm. When using I2S_STATIC, it's 100% accurate and back to the original 0mm position/ Also when using I2S_STREAM I have to use about 30% more steps/mm compared to I2S_STATIC. If this is the case and since you use a very different board, it makes a good case about the hardware (outside of the ESP32) is not the issue.
I can't say it was consistently offsetting Xmm in my case, but it was definitely not following the intended time/position plan. This happened this February, when I switched from GRBL_ESP32 to fluidnc, the translator changed my config from static to stream. I had a laser etch job at that time, and it resulted in a fuzzy double image due to the spindle firing at incorrect positions. In the end the result likely would be the same as yours with normal non-raster moves. I didn't feel like researching the problem, so I have used static since. Static works flawlessly for both cutting on the router and burning laser raster images.
It's been a while, but I vaguely recall mentioning this in an issue on github... but can't seem to find it. I'm with you that it's not a hardware issue... or if it is then even Bart's boards are affected. Then again, in my case maybe it was just the spindle commands were not synced but it was otherwise tracking position correctly? Either way, that seems a bit sketch to me.
Let me know if any further testing may help here. I do have an oscope if needed.
I2S_STREAM does not work well with lasers because there is a queueing delay between the time that the laser power is modulated and the time that the steps arrive at the motors. This is pretty difficult to fix so it is unlikely that we will change it anytime soon.
This happened this February, when I switched from GRBL_ESP32 to fluidnc, the translator changed my config from static to stream.
I think I found your translation - was it issue 1078 ? It was somewhat hard to find because you did not replace YOUR NAME in the title. There is a reason why we ask people to do that. Anything that saves us time is more time that we can spend actually fixing bugs and adding features.
Anyway, from that issue, I see this in the .h file:
// I2S (steppers & other output-only pins)
#define USE_I2S_OUT
#define USE_I2S_STEPS
So I don't think the translator got the I2S_Stream thing wrong, as I2S_STATIC is commented out in the .h file.
Closed as stale. Not much more to do or say.