cytoscape.js-toolbar icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
cytoscape.js-toolbar copied to clipboard

A plugin for cytoscape.js that allows a user to create a custom toolbar to add next to a cytoscape core instance.


A plugin for cytoscape.js that allows a user to create a custom toolbar to add next to a cytoscape core instance.


Thanks to the Cytoscape.js team for providing the ground work and examples for creating this plugin.

Quick Start

Add the following into the head of your page, and make sure that you have included the Font Awesome 4.0.3 as an available CSS file.

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script src='jquery.cytoscape.js-toolbar.js' /></script>

Now add a DIV element to your page and give it an id that you can reference in jQuery.

<div id="cy-default" class="row cy"></div>

Finally create your script to setup your cytoscape instance and then add the toolbar

    $(function () {
        var cyDefault = window.cyDefault = cytoscape({
            container: document.getElementById('cy-default'),

            // removed for brevity



All documentation is available in the index.html, also check out the Kitchen Sink demo for further understanding

The following are the default options for the toolbar:

name (default value)

  • cyContainer ('cy'): id being used for cytoscape core instance
  • tools (See next section): an array of tools to list in the toolbar
  • appendTools (false): set whether or not to append your custom tools list to the default tools list
  • position ('left'): set position of toolbar (right, left)
  • toolbarClass ('ui-cytoscape-toolbar'): set a class name for the toolbar to help with styling
  • multipleToolsClass ('tool-item-list'): set a class name for the tools that should be shown in the same position
  • toolItemClass ('tool-item') set a class name for a toolbar item to help with styling
  • autodisableForMobile (true) disable the toolbar completely for mobile (since we don't really need it with gestures like pinch to zoom)
  • zIndex (9999): the z-index of the ui div
  • longClickTime (325) time until a multi-tool list will present other tools

Creating a Tool

		icon: 'fa fa-search-plus', // icon from font-awesome-4.0.3, if you want to use something else, then this becomes a class specific for this tool item
		event: ['tap'], // array of cytoscape events that correlates with action variable
		selector: 'cy', // cytoscape selector ('cy', 'node', 'edge' and 'node,edge') - currently not supporting full selection selectors from the documentation
		options: {
			cy: {
				zoom: 0.1,
				minZoom: 0.1,
				maxZoom: 10,
				zoomDelay: 45
		}, // example of pass usable data for actions (not needed for operation)
		bubbleToCore: false, // say whether or not the event should be performed if the core instance was not clicked
		tooltip: 'Zoom In', // value for the title attribute of a span element (tooltip)
		action: [performZoomIn] // array of action methods that correlates with the event variable

Diving further...

The event array is a collection of events that the cytoscape instance and fire off look at the events on there site.

The event and action arrays must have the same number of elements action[1] will be used for event[1] and so on. For this example on the 'tap' event the 'performZoomIn' action will be performed.

The bubbleToCore option allows you to perform an event if a node or edge is clicked but you want the action to be performed during any event.

The options is a way to store usable data in this example. This is not needed to create a tool.

Default Tools

  • Zoom Out =
		icon: 'fa fa-search-plus',
    event: ['tap'],
		selector: 'cy',
		options: {
			cy: {
				zoom: 0.1,
				minZoom: 0.1,
				maxZoom: 10,
				zoomDelay: 45
		bubbleToCore: false,
		tooltip: 'Zoom In',
		action: [performZoomIn]
  • Zoom In =
		icon: 'fa fa-search-minus',
		event: ['tap'],
		selector: 'cy',
		options: {
			cy: {
				zoom: -0.1,
				minZoom: 0.1,
				maxZoom: 10,
				zoomDelay: 45
		bubbleToCore: false,
		tooltip: 'Zoom Out',
		action: [performZoomOut]
  • Pan Right =
		icon: 'fa fa-arrow-right',
		event: ['tap'],
		selector: 'cy',
		options: {
			cy: {
				distance: -80,
		bubbleToCore: true,
		tooltip: 'Pan Right',
		action: [performPanRight]
  • Pan Down =
		icon: 'fa fa-arrow-down',
		event: ['tap'],
		selector: 'cy',
		options: {
			cy: {
				distance: -80,
		bubbleToCore: true,
		tooltip: 'Pan Down',
		action: [performPanDown]
  • Pan Left =
		icon: 'fa fa-arrow-left',
		event: ['tap'],
		selector: 'cy',
		options: {
			cy: {
				distance: 80,
		bubbleToCore: true,
		tooltip: 'Pan Left',
		action: [performPanLeft]
  • Pan Up =
		icon: 'fa fa-arrow-up',
		event: ['tap'],
		selector: 'cy',
		options: {
			cy: {
				distance: 80,
		bubbleToCore: true,
		tooltip: 'Pan Up',
		action: [performPanUp]