ekreta-docs-v3 copied to clipboard
Unofficial documentation for versions 2 and up of the e-Kreta API.
ekreta-docs v3
Notice: I no longer have access to a Kreta account. As such, I am looking for a maintainer to take over this project and allow it to remain up to date. Email me for details!
Updated documentation for version 3 of the e-kreta API.
Most of the info here is based on Filc's source code and boapps' v1 documentation, while the rest was hand tested.
The repository also contains a Python program to access most functions, and as a sort of example of usage.
General Disclaimer
It seems that not all schools use the ekreta.hu
API link. If you get an HTTP 301 - Moved Permanently
response, try changing your domain to e-kreta.hu
instead. (#4)
Kreta projects based on the new API
- Filc: An unnofficial e-diary application for the e-Kreta system.
- Asztal: Terminal-based e-Kreta client.
- kreta-cli: A command line interface for KRÉTA's latest v3 api
- Táblafilc: A grade calculator program for students (GitHub).
To add your project to the list, create a pull request with it added.
Table of contents
1. Other projects
2. Endpoints & API links
- Endpoints
- Getting API links
3. Kreta schools
4. Requesting access & refresh tokens
- Access token (Bearer)
- Refresh token
5. Messages
- Overview
- Individual message info
- Marking messages read
6. Pre-announced tests & exams
7. Information about student
8. Student values
- Evaluations
- Absences
- Timetable
9. Other
Kreta Endpoints & API links
Class-based representation of all Kreta Endpoints
taken from Filc's source
class Kreta:
def base(ist):
return f"https://{ist}.ekreta.hu"
IDP = "https://idp.e-kreta.hu"
ADMIN = "https://eugyintezes.e-kreta.hu"
FILES = "https://files.e-kreta.hu"
class KretaEndpoints:
token = "/connect/token"
nonce = "/nonce"
notes = "/ellenorzo/V3/Sajat/Feljegyzesek"
events = "/ellenorzo/V3/Sajat/FaliujsagElemek"
student = "/ellenorzo/V3/Sajat/TanuloAdatlap"
evaluations = "/ellenorzo/V3/Sajat/Ertekelesek"
absences = "/ellenorzo/V3/Sajat/Mulasztasok"
groups = "/ellenorzo/V3/Sajat/OsztalyCsoportok"
classAverages = "/V3/Sajat/Ertekelesek/Atlagok/OsztalyAtlagok"
timetable = "/ellenorzo/V3/Sajat/OrarendElemek"
announcedTests = "/ellenorzo/V3/Sajat/BejelentettSzamonkeresek"
homeworks = "/ellenorzo/V3/Sajat/HaziFeladatok"
homeworkDone = "/ellenorzo/V3/Sajat/HaziFeladatok/Megoldva"
capabilities = "/ellenorzo/V3/Sajat/Intezmenyek"
class AdminEndpoints:
sendMessage = "/api/v1/kommunikacio/uzenetek"
def getAllMessages(endpoint):
return f"/api/v1/kommunikacio/postaladaelemek/{endpoint}"
def getMessage(id):
return f"/api/v1/kommunikacio/postaladaelemek/{id}"
recipientCategories = "/api/v1/adatszotarak/cimzetttipusok"
availableCategories = "/api/v1/kommunikacio/cimezhetotipusok"
recipientsTeacher = "/api/v1/kreta/alkalmazottak/tanar"
uploadAttachment = "/ideiglenesfajlok"
def downloadAttachment(id):
return "/v1/dokumentumok/uzenetek/$id";
trashMessage = "/api/v1/kommunikacio/postaladaelemek/kuka"
deleteMessage = "/api/v1/kommunikacio/postaladaelemek/torles"
Getting current API links
Useful so that if the api links change you don't have to update your app.
(found by thegergo02)
Response from server:
"GlobalMobileApiUrlDEV": "https://kretaglobalmobileapiuat.ekreta.hu",
"GlobalMobileApiUrlTEST": "https://kretaglobalmobileapitest.ekreta.hu",
"GlobalMobileApiUrlUAT": "https://kretaglobalmobileapiuat.ekreta.hu",
"GlobalMobileApiUrlPROD": "https://kretaglobalmobileapi2.ekreta.hu"
Technically it is available from a normal browser as well.
Getting list of all Kreta schools
May not work in languages with no lowercase header request, like Swift and Dart, see BoA's note.
curl -H "apiKey: 7856d350-1fda-45f5-822d-e1a2f3f1acf0" https://kretaglobalmobileapi2.ekreta.hu:443/api/v3/Institute
Response from server
"instituteId": 0000,
"instituteCode": "xxxxxxxxxxx",
"name": "Xxxxx Xxxx Xxxxxx",
"city": "Xxxxxx",
"url": "https://xxxxxxxxxxx.e-kreta.hu",
"advertisingUrl": "",
"informationImageUrl": "https://kretamobile.blob.core.windows.net/advertisement/nati_app.gif",
"informationUrl": "",
"featureToggleSet": {}
Access & Refresh token
Access token
Returns a Bearer authenticator to be used later for most requests.
NOTE: Sometimes it seems to return a 502 error, not sure why or if it's a problem I can fix.
NOTE: To simplify the X-AuthorizationPolicy-Key
and X-AuthorizationPolicy-Nonce
header information, please refer to the kreta_v2.py
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -H "User-Agent: hu.ekreta.student/1.0.5/Android/0/0" -H "X-AuthorizationPolicy-Key: xxx" -H "X-AuthorizationPolicy-Version: v1" -H "X-AuthorizationPolicy-Nonce: xxx" -d 'userName=xxxxxxxx&password=xxxxxxxxx&institute_code=xxxxxxxxx&grant_type=password&client_id=kreta-ellenorzo-mobile' https://idp.e-kreta.hu/connect/token
Response from server:
Refresh token
With grant_type=refresh_token
you can then refresh your access token:
curl -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -H "User-Agent: hu.ekreta.student/1.0.5/Android/0/0" -d "institute_code=xxxxxxxxx&refresh_token=xxxxxxxxxxxx&grant_type=refresh_token&client_id=kreta-ellenorzo-mobile" https://idp.e-kreta.hu/connect/token
Get all messages
Requires the same headers as all GET requests, but also needs an endpoint that can be beerkezett
, elkuldott
or torolt
curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer xxxxxxxx' -H 'User-Agent: hu.ekreta.student/1.0.5/Android/0/0' https://eugyintezes.e-kreta.hu/api/v1/kommunkacio/postaladaelemek/$type
Response from server:
"azonosito": 0000000,
"uzenetAzonosito": 000000,
"uzenetFeladoNev":"Xxxxx Xxxxx",
Get information about a specific message
The above method is limited in message length (I think to 100 characters), so this gets more info about a specific messages denoted by it's numeric id
curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer xxxxxxxx' -H 'User-Agent: hu.ekreta.student/1.0.5/Android/0/0' https://eugyintezes.e-kreta.hu/api/v1/kommunkacio/postaladaelemek/$ID
Important notes:
can have either a student or a class value (as far as I can tell).
Response from server:
"azonosito": 0000000,
"tipus": {
"rovidNev":"Beérkezett üzenet",
"nev":"Beérkezett üzenet",
"leiras":"Beérkezett üzenet"
"uzenet": {
"kuldesDatum": "1970-01-01T00:00:00",
"feladoNev":"Dudás Attila",
"feladoTitulus":"igazgató h.",
"targy":" Tájékoztató ",
"statusz": {
"rovidNev": "Kiküldve",
"azonosito": 0000000,
"kretaAzonosito": 00000,
"tipus": {
"rovidNev":"Osztály - Tanuló",
"nev":"Osztály - Tanuló",
"leiras":"Osztály - Tanuló"
"kretaAzonosito": 000000,
"nev": "Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx",
"tipus": {
"csatolmanyok": [
"azonosito": 0000000,
"fajlNev": "xxxxxxx.xxx"
Marking message as read
not sure yet
Get pre-announced tests & exams
curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer xxxxxxxx' -H 'User-Agent: hu.ekreta.student/1.0.5/Android/0/0' "https://"$ist"ekreta.hu.ellenorzo/V3/Sajat/BejelentettSzamonkeresek?datumTol=null"
Important notes:
is an optional parameter, without it the server returns all. - I only have
as a type, but logically there should be stuff likeszobeli_feleles
and others.
Response from server:
"BejelentesDatuma": "1970-01T00:00:00Z",
"Datum": "2019-10-08T22:00:00Z",
"Modja": {
"Uid": "0000,irasbeli_temazaro_dolgozat",
"Leiras": "Írásbeli témazáró dolgozat",
"Nev": "irasbeli_temazaro_dolgozat"
"OrarendiOraOraszama": 1,
"RogzitoTanarNeve": "Kókai Mária",
"TantargyNeve": "Mathematics",
"Temaja": "Combinatorics and graphs",
"OsztalyCsoport": {
"Uid": "88429"
"Uid": "784"
Get information about student
Used to be together with absences & evaluations, but has it since been separated with v2.
curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer xxxxxxxx' -H 'User-Agent: hu.ekreta.student/1.0.5/Android/0/0' "https://"$institute".ekreta.hu/ellenorzo/V3/Sajat/Adatlap"
Important notes:
represents 00:00 of the given date, but is in UTC time:YYYY-MM-(DD-1)T23:00:00Z
. -
shows if the school allows things like student-submitted homeworks, showing themes of lessons, displaying class averages or even a global delay in evaluations showing up for whatever reason.
Response from server
"AnyjaNeve": "Xxxxxx Xxxxxx",
"Cimek": [
"City (Postcode), Street Number",
"Xxxx (0000), Xxxxxx street 0"
"Gondviselok": [
"EmailCim": "[email protected]",
"Nev": "Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx",
"Telefonszam": "+xxxxxxxxxxx",
"IsTorvenyesKepviselo": true,
"Uid": "xxxxx"
"IntezmenyAzonosito": "xxxxxxxxxx",
"IntezmenyNev": "Xxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx",
"Nev": "Xxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxx",
"SzuletesiDatum": "2002-12-02T23:00:00Z",
"SzuletesiEv": 2002,
"SzuletesiHonap": 12,
"SzuletesiNap": 02,
"SzuletesiHely": "Xxxxxxx XX Xxxxx",
"SzuletesiNev": "Xxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxx",
"TanevUid": "0000",
"Uid": "000000",
"Bankszamla": {
"BankszamlaSzam": null,
"BankszamlaTulajdonosTipusId": null,
"BankszamlaTulajdonosNeve": null,
"IsReadOnly": false
"Intezmeny": {
"Uid": "0000",
"RovidNev": "xxxxxxxxxx",
"Rendszermodulok": [
"IsAktiv": true,
"Tipus": "Eugyintezes"
"TestreszabasBeallitasok": {
"IsDiakRogzithetHaziFeladatot": false,
"IsTanorakTemajaMegtekinthetoEllenorzoben": true,
"IsOsztalyAtlagMegjeleniteseEllenorzoben": false,
"ErtekelesekMegjelenitesenekKesleltetesenekMerteke": 0,
"KovetkezoTelepitesDatuma": "2021-05-04T19:00:00Z"
Get Evaluations, Absences & Timetable
refers to the data requested: Ertekelesek
& datumIg
is required for timetable, while optional for the other two.
curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer xxxxxxxx' -H 'User-Agent: hu.ekreta.student/1.0.5/Android/0/0' "https://"$institute".ekreta.hu/ellenorzo/V3/Sajat/"$endpoint"?datumTol=2020-09-01T00-00-00&datumIg=2020-09-08T00-00-00"
Responses from server:
- Evaluations:
"ErtekeloTanarNeve": "Xxxxx Xxxxx",
"ErtekFajta": {
"Uid": "0,Osztalyzat",
"Leiras": "Elégtelen (1) és Jeles (5) között az öt alapértelmezett érték",
"Nev": "Osztalyzat"
"Jelleg": "Ertekeles",
"KeszitesDatuma": "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"LattamozasDatuma": null,
"Mod": {
"Uid": "0000,type_of_eval",
"Leiras": "Type of Eval",
"Nev": "type_of_eval"
"RogzitesDatuma": "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"SulySzazalekErteke": 100,
"SzamErtek": 0,
"SzovegesErtek": "Szöveg(0)",
"SzovegesErtekelesRovidNev": null,
"Tantargy": {
"Uid": "000000",
"Kategoria": {
"Uid": "0000,subject",
"Leiras": "Subject",
"Nev": "subject"
"Nev": "Subject"
"Tema": "...",
"Tipus": {
"Uid": "0000,evkozi_jegy_ertekeles",
"Leiras": "Évközi jegy/értékelés",
"Nev": "evkozi_jegy_ertekeles"
"OsztalyCsoport": {
"Uid": "00000"
"Uid": "00000000,Ertekeles"
Important Notes:
seems to have the same values possible as Pre-Announced -
looks to be the way to differentiate mid/half/endyear grades -
is usually 100/200, but I've seen end of term grades registered at 150 so it's better to code it flexibly.
- Absences
"IgazolasAllapota": "Igazolt",
"IgazolasTipusa": {
"Uid": "0000,szuloi_igazolas",
"Leiras": "Szülői igazolás",
"Nev": "szuloi_igazolas"
"KesesPercben": null,
"KeszitesDatuma": "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"Mod": {
"Uid": "1,Tanorai",
"Leiras": "Tanórai mulasztás",
"Nev": "Tanorai"
"Datum": "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"Ora": {
"KezdoDatum": "1970-01-01T08:30:00Z",
"VegDatum": "2020-09-01T00:00:00Z",
"Oraszam": 5
"RogzitoTanarNeve": "Xxxxx Xxxxx",
"Tantargy": {
"Uid": "000000",
"Kategoria": {
"Uid": "0000,subject_name",
"Leiras": "Subject Name",
"Nev": "subject_name"
"Nev": "subject name"
"Tipus": {
"Uid": "0000,hianyzas",
"Leiras": "Hiányzás",
"Nev": "hianyzas"
"OsztalyCsoport": {
"Uid": "00000"
"Uid": "00000000"
Important notes:
refers to the index of the lesson starting from 1. -
again likely has a multitude of possible values that I cannot test.
- Timetable
"Allapot": {
"Uid": "1,Naplozott",
"Leiras": "Naplózott",
"Nev": "Naplozott"
"BejelentettSzamonkeresUids": [],
"BejelentettSzamonkeresUid": null,
"Datum": "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"HelyettesTanarNeve": null,
"IsTanuloHaziFeladatEnabled": false,
"KezdetIdopont": "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"Nev": "xxxxxxx",
"Oraszam": 0,
"OraEvesSorszama": 0,
"OsztalyCsoport": {
"Uid": "000000",
"Nev": "xxx xxx xxx"
"HaziFeladatUid": null,
"IsHaziFeladatMegoldva": false,
"TanarNeve": "Xxxxx Xxxxxx",
"Tantargy": {
"Uid": "000000",
"Kategoria": {
"Uid": "0000,xxxx_xxxx",
"Leiras": "Xxxxx Xxxx",
"Nev": "xxxx_xxxx"
"Nev": "Spanish"
"TanuloJelenlet": {
"Uid": "0000,Xxxxx",
"Leiras": "...",
"Nev": "Xxxx"
"Tema": "...",
"TeremNeve": "xxx",
"Tipus": {
"Uid": "0,XxxxxXxxx",
"Leiras": "Xxxx Xxxx",
"Nev": "XxxxxXxxx"
"Uid": "0000000,Xxxxxxxx,1970-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"VegIdopont": "1970-01-01T00:15:00Z"
Everything else
I've only listed and examplified what I think is probably the most used parts, or ones with peculiarities.
Everything else listed in the classes that's not mentioned should follow the same header format as seen above.