> Severval players get crashd at similar position in overworld, and there used to be a Aether Gate. > `at net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos.func_177971_a(SourceFile:70) at com.gildedgames.aether.common.entities.tiles.multiblock.TileEntityMultiblockDummy.getLinkedController(TileEntityMultiblockDummy.java:95) at com.gildedgames.aether.common.entities.tiles.multiblock.TileEntityMultiblockDummy.getHoverText(TileEntityMultiblockDummy.java:127) at com.gildedgames.aether.common.blocks.multiblock.BlockMultiBase.getHoverText(BlockMultiBase.java:90) at com.gildedgames.aether.client.renderer.ClientRenderHandler.onRenderIngameOverlay(ClientRenderHandler.java:144) at...
> So when i joined all went well till i talked to Edison and i couldnt get out of his screen after pressing the button countless of times.
> Legacy and Aether 2 with any diffriends mod lopping portal to infinity teleportation. Any portal (vanila too). If you enter the portal, they will teleport you to their world...
> Hi, not actually sure if I should be reporting this here or on HWYLA's issue board but I'll go here first and if it's a them issue, just let...
> This will prevent the world from being opened because the player will always be looking at the campfire upon joining the world, immediately re-triggering this issue. `java.lang.NullPointerException: Unexpected error...
Mostly moved from https://github.com/Gilded-Games/The-Aether-Archived/issues/39. - Aerbunnies position weirdly on the player's head when wearing an elytra.
> when you activate a parachute and go to a ladder it bugs and it renders your parachute still even tho you dont have it on > proof of almost...
> theres a sound bug where you shoot a lot of arrows in a blue aercloud rail when you shoot many arrows the bonk sound starts bugging other sounds >...
> Gloves dont appear on other players and when u press f5 to see urself they dont apear on youre hands. The gloves apear in the legs like literally inside...