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Results 55 bytecoin issues
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Hi, I manage to compile bytecoin binary. So then I want to run the bytecoind, I got genesis error as per subject. ``` root@ubuntu-node-2:~/bgi/workspace/bytecoin/build# ../bin/bytecoind lmdb libversion=LMDB 0.9.70: (December 19,...

How exactly should the request be sent to create and send a transaction? How does it differ from the old method?

hai... I 'm new in this ... i have transfer from my binance account to my address bytecoin wallet dektop and before this no problem but just today not showing...

Hi, when I create view only copy of my wallet - i can`t see spent transactions , and also - my balance is wrong, without spent coins. ![actual]( ![view](

Hello, Is there a way to detect deposits realtime? Like subscribing `pendingTransactions` in Ethereum or executing `walletnotify` command in Bitcoin. Thanks.

I'm running a production instance of bytecoin. walletd requires to enter a password via stdin. There's deprecated method to enter it via argv param. Maybe there should be an option...

Error with sendTransaction RPC request to wallet daemon {"code":-32601,"data":{},"message":"Method not found sendTransaction"} BCN coin Blocks finds. Balance see. Cannot send payment.

@kacipbuah Just put `blocks.bin` and `blockindexes.bin` into the data folder and restart `bytecoind`. Please no comment stupid comments _Originally posted by @bcndev in

Hello, the time to wake up is come!

It would be very interesting to be able to use Tor.