Submitting Author Name: Byron C Jaeger Submitting Author Github Handle: @bcjaeger Other Package Authors Github handles: (comma separated, delete if none) @nmpieyeskey, @sawyerWeld Repository: Version submitted: Submission type:...
Caught one more. Unrelated - I think this is a great intro to shiny. Thank you!
Just spotted this while I was reading. Thanks for making it easy to propose changes.
Hello! Following up on #172, `aorsf` has made it to CRAN and its API is stable.1 - I added wrappers for `aorsf` that were based on the `partykit` templates -...
Hello, thank you for making this package. It is great to see `tidymodels` expanding into survival! ## Feature For `rand_forest`, would you be willing to consider a pull request using...
Hello! I would like to include the oblique random survival forest in `parsnip` as an engine for censored regression. I have reviewed the guidelines for contributing engine level documentation and...
Hello! Following the contribution guidelines, I am filing an issue to check in with the tidymodels team and ask if it would be alright for me to open a `parsnip`...
Hi @drizopoulos! This software is incredible. Thank you for developing it. `JMbayes` allows users to pass models for interval-censored outcomes fit with `survreg` into the joint model fitting function. Does...
need to add post-predict cleaning step
An error is thrown due to type coercion during `prep_y()`