Thanks! I am looking forward to working on the PR.
Thanks! Will open the PR shortly.
Great! Are there any examples or vignettes with code for this?
No problem. Thank you for checking! I have a reprex below where I am trying to get an interval-censored model to run with `jm`, but an error seems to occur...
Hi @drizopoulos, I apologize for rushing a response, but do you have any recommendations based on the example above?
Hi! I don't know if there is a solution for `JMbayes2` yet. If you are in a hurry, you may be able to fit your interval-censored models using `JMbayes`.
Howdy! Just wanted to let you know `aorsf` 0.0.4 is on its way to CRAN and should be available soon. (It includes support for `Surv` objects in the formula.)
That works! Thank you. I'm pasting the update below in case it is helpful to others: ```r fit_surv_intervals
the API change should be straightforward. Include the input `ltry` in `orsf()` with a default value of 1. So `orsf(ltry=1)` would do what `orsf()` has always done, but `orsf(ltry =...