I think some modifications/bug fixes made to cassowary were not published to npm. Therefore the build on the github repo (version 0.0.2) does not correspond to the build that gets...
Hello, I found 2 methods to change a variable coefficient but both of them are problematic: 1- Using `Expression.setVariable`. The problem: the coefficient of the variable within the expression seems...
### Changes - Replaced the `Grid.clear` method by a `Grid.reset` method that allowed to simplify the logic of the `Grid.update` method by removing all references and logic associated with the...
### Results Before After Observed speed up for that method is: ```1 - (86.39 - 11.25) / (87.32 - 6.80) * 6.80 / 11.25 = 43.6%``` Overall speed up is...
Let's considering the following code: ```js const image = renderer.plugins['extract'].image(spineContainer); ``` Where `spineContainer` is any either a `SpineMesh`, a `SpineSprite` or a `Sprite` within a Pixi `Spine` component. ### Expected...
This is to suggest an improvement. The `pointermove` event always triggers, even when the cursor is out of the bounds of the container. I understand that this is the expected...
The expected behavior of pointer event propagation is not clear. Events are sometimes propagated to containers located behind a container on which an event is triggered and then propagated. It...
Let's considering the following code: ```js const globalTransformBeforeExtract = container.transform.globalTransform.clone(); const image = renderer.plugins['extract'].image(myContainer); console.log(container.transform.globalTransform, globalTransformBeforeExtract); ``` ### Expected Behavior To have the 2 transformation matrices identical ### Current Behavior...
Hello, I was searching for a JS MILP Solver and here it is! Actually I was wondering if adding function API for constraint system definition was planned? Let me explain:...
It implies the implementation of the LU decomposition method. This should improve resolution times on most problems (especially on mix integer problems) and will dramatically reduce errors due to numerical...