cookie icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
cookie copied to clipboard

A Template-based File Generator. Like cookiecutter but works with file templates instead of project templates.

Results 16 cookie issues
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Allows templates to handle variables with spaces in them, by wrapping values with quotes. Fixes #24.

I was testing out cookie to see what I could do with it and after a few tests I accidentally left a variable name with spaces which caused a bad...

``` [/tmp]$ cookie -l dirname: illegal option -- l usage: dirname path basename: illegal option -- l usage: basename string [suffix] basename [-a] [-s suffix] string [...] [ERROR] Template does...


Currently, the only OS tested is Linux.


This will not include additional functionility, but will instead just be another way to specify the necessary command-line options. I was hoping to implement something similar to what [plop] does...

The corresponding short-option could be `-T`. This option would accept a mandatory argument which must be a sub-directory of the configured cookie template directory. This option can be used in...

For example, `cookie tempA:dirA/targA @tempB:targB:modeB tempC` will: * Create `dirA` if it does not already exist. * Initialize `dirA/targA` using the `tempA` template. * Initialize `targB` using the `tempB` template....