setigen copied to clipboard
IndexError: too many indices for array: array is 1-dimensional, but 3 were indexed
Expectation The program below would run to conclusions without errors or it would clearly and consisely log a setigen limitation before throwing an exception.
Input file
My program
import setigen as stg
from setigen.waterfall_utils import min_freq, max_freq
from blimpy import Waterfall
DIR = '/seti_data/turbo_seti_issue_135/'
INFILE = DIR + 'guppi_59196_68468_000762_Unknown_0001.rawspec.0000.h5'
def import_bl_file(path_infile):
Using setigen, import a BL file (.fil, .h5).
print('Input file:', path_infile)
wf = Waterfall(path_infile)
print('Waterfall data loaded?', wf.container.load_data)
# Instantiate a setigen Frame object
frame = stg.Frame(waterfall=wf)
print('Drift rate:', frame.get_drift_rate(0, -1))
print('Noise stats:', frame.get_noise_stats())
print('min freq:', min_freq(wf))
print('max freq:', max_freq(wf))
Input file: /seti_data/turbo_seti_issue_135/guppi_59196_68468_000762_Unknown_0001.rawspec.0000.h5 WARNING Selection size of 7.50 GB, exceeding our size limit 1.00 GB. Instance created, header loaded, but data not loaded, please try another (t,v) selection.
--- File Info ---
DIMENSION_LABELS : ['time' 'feed_id' 'frequency']
az_start : 0.0
data_type : 1
fch1 : 8437.625 MHz
foff : 1.9073486328125e-06 MHz
ibeam : -1
machine_id : 20
nbeams : 1
nbits : 32
nchans : 33554432
nifs : 1
rawdatafile : guppi_59196_68468_000762_Unknown_0001.0000.raw
source_name : Unknown
src_dej : 0:00:00
src_raj : 0:00:00
telescope_id : -1
tsamp : 2.097152
tstart (ISOT) : 2020-12-13T19:01:08.000
tstart (MJD) : 59196.7924537037
za_start : 0.0
Num ints in file : 60
File shape : (60, 1, 33554432)
--- Selection Info ---
Data selection shape : (60, 1, 33554432)
Minimum freq (MHz) : 8437.625
Maximum freq (MHz) : 8501.624998092651
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/elkins/seti_testing/blimpy_testing/", line 24, in <module>
File "/home/elkins/seti_testing/blimpy_testing/", line 18, in import_bl_file
frame = stg.Frame(waterfall=wf)
File "/home/elkins/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/setigen/", line 120, in __init__ = waterfall_utils.get_data(self.waterfall)[:, ::-1]
File "/home/elkins/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/setigen/", line 75, in get_data
return[:, 0, :]
IndexError: too many indices for array: array is 1-dimensional, but 3 were indexed