JigsawPuzzlePytorch copied to clipboard
Pytorch implementation of the method from the paper "Unsupervised Learning of Visual Representations by Solving Jigsaw Puzzles"
Pytorch implementation of the paper "Unsupervised Learning of Visual Representations by Solving Jigsaw Puzzles" by Mehdi Noroozi GitHub
Partially tested Performances Coming Soon
- Tested with Python 2.7
- Pytorch v0.3
- Tensorflow is used for logging. Remove the Logger all scripts if tensorflow is missing
Train the JigsawPuzzleSolver
Setup Loader
Two DataLoader are provided:
- ImageLoader: per each iteration it loads data in image format (jpg,png ,...)
- Dataset/JigsawImageLoader.py uses PyTorch DataLoader and iterator
- Dataset/ImageDataLoader.py custom implementation.
The default loader is JigsawImageLoader.py. ImageDataLoader.py is slightly faster when using single core.
The images can be preprocessed using produce_small_data.py which resize the image to 256, keeping the aspect ratio, and crops a patch of size 255x255 in the center.
Run Training
Fill the path information in run_jigsaw_training.sh. IMAGENET_FOLD needs to point to the folder containing ILSVRC2012_img_train.
./run_jigsaw_training.sh [GPU_ID]
or call the python script
python JigsawTrain.py [*path_to_imagenet*] --checkpoint [*path_checkpoints_and_logs*] --gpu [*GPU_ID*] --batch [*batch_size*]
By default the network uses 1000 permutations with maximum hamming distance selected using select_permutations.py.
To change the file name loaded for the permutations, open the file JigsawLoader.py and change the permutation file in the method retrive_permutations
- The input of the network should be 64x64, but I need to resize to 75x75, otherwise the output of conv5 is 2x2 instead of 3x3 like the official architecture
- Jigsaw trained using the approach of the paper: SGD, LRN layers, 70 epochs
- Implemented shortcuts: spatial jittering, normalize each patch indipendently, color jittering, 30% black&white image
- The LRN layer crushes with a PyTorch version older than 0.3
- TensorboardX
- LMDB DataLoader