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Not able to retrieve value from BinaryExpression.Right
I was trying to use the WalkTree method, but it was getting an error: propertyValue.Value is not defined.
I already fixed it. I just built a new method to retrive the value from a BinaryExpression:
private static void WalkTree(BinaryExpression body, ExpressionType linkingType, ref List<QueryParameter> queryProperties) { if (body.NodeType != ExpressionType.AndAlso && body.NodeType != ExpressionType.OrElse) { string propertyName = GetPropertyName(body); dynamic propertyValue = GetValue(body); string opr = GetOperator(body.NodeType); string link = GetOperator(linkingType);
queryProperties.Add(new QueryParameter(link, propertyName, propertyValue, opr));
WalkTree((BinaryExpression)body.Left, body.NodeType, ref queryProperties);
WalkTree((BinaryExpression)body.Right, body.NodeType, ref queryProperties);
private static object GetValue(BinaryExpression func)
return Expression.Lambda(func.Right).Compile().DynamicInvoke();
Btw, very nice implementation 👍