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Rmarkdown + Bookdown templates for Reproducible Data Analyses


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My personal favourite R templates for doing reproducible data analyses.


If you want to acknowledge this work, cite it as:

Zobolas, J. (2020). Rtemps: R Templates for Reproducible Data Analyses. GitHub Repository. Retrieved from https://github.com/bblodfon/rtemps

BibTeX citation:

author = {Zobolas, John},
booktitle = {GitHub repository},
publisher = {GitHub},
title = {{Rtemps: R Templates for Reproducible Data Analyses}},
url = {https://github.com/bblodfon/rtemps},
year = {2020}

Available Themes


From CRAN:


Note that the package imports among others the libraries DT, ggplot2 and xfun.


Once the templates are installed, you can use them in 2 ways:

  1. Within the templates in RStudio (highly advised - easiest way):
  • File > New File > R Markdown... > From Template (United HTML Theme)
  • File > New Project... > New Directory > Bookdown Lite project (Bookdown Lite Theme)
  1. By calling the create_rtemp() function which allows you to create a new directory with all the template files inside, ready to be used/rendered.


United HTML Theme

  • To create and render the template from an R session, run:
rtemps::create_rtemp(dirname = "new-dir", template = "united_html")
rmarkdown::render(input = "new-dir/index.Rmd", output_format = "html_document", output_dir = "new-dir")

Bookdown Lite Theme

  • To create and render the template from the command line, run:
Rscript -e "rtemps::create_rtemp(dirname = 'new-dir', template = 'bookdown_lite')"
cd new-dir
  • The output of the Bookdown Lite theme is placed under a docs directory, so that it can easily be rendered with GitHub Pages.
  • The Bookdown Lite can be easily converted to a multi-paged document by configuring the split_by property in the _output.yml template file (check the doc).