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Live requests being made when running specs (> v3.1.1)
A Rails API mode app that stubs requests to a dummy Sinatra API, and utilizing fixtures for request and response bodies.
The issue occurred when upgrading Rails 5.1.5 -> 5.2.0 Ruby version is 2.5.1 WebMock version prior to upgrade was 3.0.1 WebMock upgraded to 3.4.2
WebMock.disable_net_connect!(allow_localhost: true)
seems to be ignored
The following code in spec_helper.rb
was working prior to the upgrade, but now live requests are being made to an external API:
require 'webmock/rspec'
require 'fantaskspec'
require 'support/bot_settings'
WebMock.disable_net_connect!(allow_localhost: true)
RSpec.configure do |config|
config.expect_with :rspec do |expectations|
expectations.include_chain_clauses_in_custom_matcher_descriptions = true
# request faking
config.before(:each) do
stub_request(:any, /api.pro.coinbase.com/).to_rack(FakeExchange)
config.mock_with :rspec do |mocks|
mocks.verify_partial_doubles = true
config.shared_context_metadata_behavior = :apply_to_host_groups
if config.files_to_run.one?
config.default_formatter = 'doc'
config.profile_examples = 10
config.order = :random
Here is FakeExchange
, which was being called prior to upgrade and is unchanged:
# frozen_string_literal: true
require 'sinatra/base'
class FakeExchange < Sinatra::Base
get "/products/#{ENV['PRODUCT_ID']}/book" do
return json_response 200, 'depth.json' if params[:level]
json_response 200, 'quote.json'
get "/orders" do
json_response 200, 'open_orders.json'
get "/accounts" do
json_response 200, 'funds.json'
delete "/orders/:id" do
json_response 200, 'cancel_order.json'
get "/orders/:id" do
json_response 200, "order_#{params[:id]}.json"
post "/orders" do
params = JSON.parse(request.body.read)
json_response 200, "#{params['side']}_order.json"
get "/fills" do
json_response 200, "fill_#{params[:order_id]}.json"
def json_response(response_status, file_name)
content_type :json
status response_status
I’ve tracked down the WebMock version change where the issue occurs - it’s any version after 3.1.1 Made me think it’s perhaps related to issue #767?
Here’s a partial RSpec trace using --format documentation
where a live request to the real exchange is seen (WebMock version 3.2.0 is being used here):
the upcoming buy order is affordable
does not idle
the upcoming buy order is unaffordable
"e =============================="
#<Coinbase::Exchange::BadRequestError: {"message":"Invalid order id"}>
"e =============================="
#<Coinbase::Exchange::BadRequestError: {"message":"Invalid order id"}>
Live requests are being made to the exchange as indicated by Coinbase::Exchange::BadRequestError
The message {"message":"Invalid order id"}
is being returned from the live exchange b/c the fixture files do not contain real order ids.
NOTE: The live requests only occur when running the entire spec suite, and not when running individual tests and files. Maybe there is some new configuration or syntax required that I am unaware of?
@TimothyClayton have you found the reason so far? If not, would you be able to find the latest commit from WebMock master, that works?
3.1.1 is commit 4caabce21a803a33352e9434d34785323abdca82 Does it work?
If it does, does any of these break your spec?
d9af3a54d73c7de1cc16cf19e05b2522c4f7d093 08b41bcbeb913617ee1d4dcb128fb077449da7f7
@bblimke We got the same issue. We experienced from version 2.0.0. It is weird because an individual test is working as we expected, but when we are trying to run the whole tests the first is ok, webmock stub the request and next time it nothing to do, and the test hit the real server.
@norbertszivos do you mean that the first version that causes the problem is 2.0.0?
@bblimke yes
@norbertszivos perhaps any of the breaking 2.0.0 changes affect your tests https://github.com/bblimke/webmock/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#200 ?
@bblimke I read through many times these breaking changes and I did not found anything which can cause the issue I guess. So basically we are on Rails with the latest RSpec 3.8.1 and the Ruby version is 2.3.3 at this moment but we would like to upgrade. Also we are using
require 'webmock/rspec'
WebMock.disable_net_connect!(allow_localhost: true)
in the rails_helper
The tests are not using basic auth, so I do not think so.
Hmm em-http-request
I do not see how can be an issue.
I guess it's not easy to extract an example to replicate the problem?
@bblimke I would like to help to find out what is happening, but sadly it is a private repo which owns somebody else. The example what @TimothyClayton provided was not helped, by the way?
@norbertszivos his specs broke after 3.1.1
@bblimke Right, I will try to create an example to use same gems, but different codebase. If I experience the same issue I will share with you.
These aren't localhost requests, right?
Not localhost requests, hitting an API...
It looks like I found something. We have a config in RSpec rails_helper
config.after(:each) do
So this artifice gem cause the issue, somehow it's override the Webmock disable net connection...
@TimothyClayton have you found the reason so far? If not, would you be able to find the latest commit from WebMock master, that works?
3.1.1 is commit 4caabce Does it work?
If it does, does any of these break your spec?
Goodness, apologies for the late reply @bblimke. I wasn't getting any notice of activity here.
I'm upgrading again and was hoping to bump webmock too since my work around last time was just locking the version down. I am still seeing this issue with my setup. I tried the different refs you mentioned in my Gemfile like so:
gem 'webmock', git: 'https://github.com/bblimke/webmock.git', ref: 'someRef', require: false
Commit 4caabce
works for me. The two other refs did not, and are making requests to the live exchange API. This only occurs when running the whole suite, i.e., rspec spec
. Running individual files are fine.
I am not using the artifice gem.
Thank you @TimothyClayton
Ok, then it must be the change in commit d9af3a5
The effects of that change very much depend on the project setup, theforefore it would be very useful to have a sample project where the issue can be reproduced.
As a temporary workaround you could create your own webmock and rspec setup instead of relying on webmock/rspec.