WpfBindingErrors icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
WpfBindingErrors copied to clipboard

:boom: Turn WPF Binding errors into exception

Results 5 WpfBindingErrors issues
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Thanks for a brilliant project :) Are you able to update the Nuget packages with a release for .Net 5? Cheers

I was not able to run the tests in Visual Studio (Edition: Enterprise 2019, Version: 16.7.2). I got them to run after switching to XUnit and using [XUnit.StaFact](https://github.com/AArnott/Xunit.StaFact). P.S. I...

After I added "BindingExceptionThrower.Attach();" in my code, I receive an enormous load of warnings in the Debug Output window of Visual Studio 2015: "System.Windows.Freezable Warning: 1 : CanFreeze is returning...

Hello, I tried to install the Nuget package for this in a PCL and in a UWP project, but was unable to in both cases. Here's the Output screen for...

If you have a DataGrid with, say, a DataGridTextColumn that is bound to a DateTime or a double type, and you edit one of the rows, and write something on...