I'm away from home for a few more days and then will have access to my computer. Might be a good idea to skype to discuss. Both branches on my...
Hi @cnlohr and @con-f-use, I lost track a bit about all this and had not done much for a long time, but just recently started again. Also my repo was...
Hi Charles (and opus), I'm glad the fixes seem to work. I'm glad I am able to help in a small way! Finding the duplicate loading problems took a lot...
Hi Charles and pjmole, This issue has morphed a bit but I'm still lurking. My son helped me to fork the repo. I've been spending my time mainly modifying embeddedout.c...
I have been working with the latest master by @cnlohr (making sure the 2 submodules esp82xx and eps_nonos_sdk are at the same commits as he uses) and gradually bringing in...
SOLVED! I noticed that in station mode with gCOLORCHORD_ACTIVE = 0, the oscope still works slowly partially responding to the audio! It should be stopped (as it dones in AP...
It could be some of the other problems when cc interacts with esp82xx are related to ExitCritical() being called too soon after changing to station mode (in commonservices.c). Rather than...
The additions to cc/embeded come at a memory cost. Looking forward to trying this new commit and then seeing if my changes will fit.
A thank you gift for @king2 Another @cnlohr I am making progress of incorporating my changes to your latest commit.
Hi Charles, The number of LEDs is ok in video however I was using one of my added display options that only shows an arc of fewer LEDs which moves...