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rapidtide - a suite of programs for doing time lag correlation analysis on fMRI data

Results 13 rapidtide issues
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Please report version number in the log at startup.


**This is a distinct issue from #92 .** The `--version` flag does not work inside Docker: ``` root@6060e49b2ca3:/tmp# rapidtide --version in out mklexists: False release version: 0+unknown git_longtag: UNKNOWN git_date:...


**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** Printing messages throughout the workflow doesn't let you control what level of information you see as a user. If you...

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** Using MA-PCA would serve as an alternative to the buggy MLE-PCA in `scikit-learn`. **Describe the solution you'd like** `tedana` implements...

Using singularity version: rapidtide_1.9.0.sif I run rapidtide2x while specifying corrmask, refineinclude, and nofitfilt flags. The same mask is used for corrmask, and refineinclude. Full command line options example below: `/usr/local/miniconda/bin/rapidtide2x...

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** There is a very large parameter space for rapidtide workflows. To improve transparency, it would be nice to generate citable...

**Describe the bug** tried the wiener deconvolution option in rapidtide2x (1.9.1), unfortunately the program crashed is this option working at the moment? thanks **To Reproduce** commandline I ran: rapidtide2x filtered_func_data.nii.gz...

Rapidtide2 had the option (experimental though) to perform prewhitening on the date prior to the crosscorrelation, which seems quite sensible considering possible trends etc in the data I noticed that...

**Describe the bug** Atlas averaging in tidepool is not fully implemented. Averaging to use masked overlay values in the numerator (anything not in the mask is set to zero), but...

Per #12, the goal is to reach 90% coverage for the `2.0.0` release. @bbfrederick would you be willing to create a [milestone](https://github.com/bbfrederick/rapidtide/milestones) for `2.0.0` and assign this issue to that...