XUnity.AutoTranslator copied to clipboard
Font size does not change
I have a root:
[Info :XUnity.AutoTranslator] Setting text on 'UILabel' to 'Понедельник'
[Info :XUnity.AutoTranslator] Path : /UI Root/Camera/Center/Root/inGameFrame@Prefab(Clone)/Top/Pivot/active/timeDay/curDay
[Info :XUnity.AutoTranslator] Level: 1
Have a file resizer.txt in \BepInEx\Translation\ru\Text
/UI Root/Camera/Center/Root/inGameFrame@Prefab(Clone)/Top/Pivot/active/timeDay/curDay=ChangeFontSize(22)
But it doesn't work
Game is Taffy Tales
Maybe you can use this:
before text=<size\=22>after text</size>
Maybe you can use this:
before text=<size\=22>after text</size>
Tried it, it didn't work
Maybe you can use this:
before text=<size\=22>after text</size>
Tried it, it didn't work
look carefully and you missed one sign! that's why it didn't work for you I circled where I should look!!
Maybe you can use this:
before text=<size\=22>after text</size>
Tried it, it didn't work
look carefully and you missed one sign! that's why it didn't work for you I circled where I should look!!
Sorry, I may have got it wrong the first time, but I checked exactly and it doesn't work
It's github that removes characters if they're not in the listing for the code
It's github that removes characters if they're not in the listing for the code
Короче посмотрел я документацию In short, I looked at the documentation http://digitalnativestudios.com/textmeshpro/docs/rich-text/
Команда <size\=22%>.
Задаться в процентах !
Command <size\=22%>. Ask in percentage!
А обратный сплэш нужен перед равно так как софт для перевода использует равно как разделитель оригинал=перевод Потому все равно поле разделителя должны быть экранирование
And the reverse splash is needed before equals, since the translation software uses equals as a separator original=translation Therefore, the separator field should still be shielded
``> > Monday=<size\=22>Понедельник</size>
It's github that removes characters if they're not in the listing for the code
Короче посмотрел я документацию In short, I looked at the documentation http://digitalnativestudios.com/textmeshpro/docs/rich-text/
Команда <size=22%>. Задаться в процентах !
Command <size=22%>. Ask in percentage!
А обратный сплэш нужен перед равно так как софт для перевода использует равно как разделитель оригинал=перевод Потому все равно поле разделителя должны быть экранирование
And the reverse splash is needed before equals, since the translation software uses equals as a separator original=translation Therefore, the separator field should still be shielded
I tried what you wrote. It doesn't work with or without closing the tag.
Skip minigames=<size\=22%>Пропустить\nмини-игры</size>
Skip minigames=<size\=22%>Пропустить\nмини-игры
It's github that removes characters if they're not in the listing for the codeКороче посмотрел я документацию In short, I looked at the documentation http://digitalnativestudios.com/textmeshpro/docs/rich-text/
Команда <size=22%>. Задаться в процентах !
Command <size=22%>. Ask in percentage!
А обратный сплэш нужен перед равно так как софт для перевода использует равно как разделитель оригинал=перевод Потому все равно поле разделителя должны быть экранирование
And the reverse splash is needed before equals, since the translation software uses equals as a separator original=translation Therefore, the separator field should still be shielded
I have worked tags like: \r \n [FF0000] [u] [i] [/i]