Leaflet.PolylineDecorator icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Leaflet.PolylineDecorator copied to clipboard

How to disable arrow auto scale?

Open vutle opened this issue 2 years ago • 2 comments

Hi guys thanks for this great addon.

Does anyone know which option do you set to disable auto scale so that when zoom out it should appear smaller?

I'm currently use these options below, but the arrow try to autoscale and it appear bigger than the line.

patterns: [ {offset: "50%", repeat: 0, symbol: L.Symbol.arrowHead({pixelSize: 15, polygon: false, pathOptions: {color: "yellow", stroke: ]


I want to keep it constant size. So the arrow appear smaller when zoom out.


vutle avatar Oct 22 '21 23:10 vutle

Hi, I have the same problem. Did you figure something out?

samuelperezdi avatar Mar 17 '22 04:03 samuelperezdi

yeah me too, I want know how to do percent size relative to zoom ?

electroheadfx avatar May 25 '24 13:05 electroheadfx