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Combo Box
Combo Boxes do not seem to function on Linux. We use them in a few dialog boxes in MultiBUGS. Do you have any idea whether it might be straightforward to fix this, or will it be very tricky?
There are many stuff in HostCFrames, that should be improved... ComboBox is really required, because it is using to choose the language of BlackBox in the Preferences dialog. I think, that this should be done with a small borderless Gtk window in the top. This is the question of Gtk2 research. We are really need an expert of Gtk2 in the team now. If you will have any solutions for the improvement of HostCFrames, please share any drafts for the discussion.
I think what is needed is like ?
I have made the realization of ComboBox with some part of it's functionality. It is one line view. You can select value from the popup list, however this list has no scrolling and you can not edit value, as it should be for ComboBox. Anyway now user can select language smoothly in Prefs dialog.