audiowaveform copied to clipboard
Windows DLL version
I have built the audiowaveform for windows by building it's all dependency now i am not able to run it can any buddy help me out?
Can you provide more details on how you built it, and what error you see when you try to run it?
I have downloaded source code of audiowaveform and it's dependencies, it is for Linux so by using cmake tool on windows i have generated the vcxproj files for all the dependencies and then for audiowaveform.
After this, I have built audiowaveform using visual studio 2017in that I have suppressed one error related to gdImagePngEx in saveAsPng() method.
now i have generated the audiowaveform binary and when i am trying to running it throws exceptions and getting terminated.
Exception Detail: Exception thrown at 0x75900372 in audiowaveform.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: boost::exception_detail::clone_impl<boost::exception_detail::error_info_injectorboost::program_options::required_option > at memory location 0x008FF9C0.
Actually, I have provided the required input file and output file name and it's converting mp3 to wav file.
I would like to include a native Windows build using Visual Studio as part of the project, so I'd be interested to see your CMake files.
Also, see for previous discussion.
Sure, I didn't change the makefiles.
We can have a discussion on this, Whenever you want.
I am able to create exe in windows but I want to create DLL of audiowaveform and want to use it in C# project can anybody help me on this?
@jayraaj were you able to do this? i also need the dll version to call in a .net application.
To produce a DLL version we'd need to restructure the project into a separate library + executable. I can't promise when I'll be able to do this. For now your application would have to invoke audiowaveform as a separate process.
Windows executables can be built using compile-static-audiowaveform so I'll rename this issue for the DLL question.