Bart Van Loon

Results 56 comments of Bart Van Loon

Thanks for the quick reply. Unfortunately, setting `g:csv_delim_test` doesn't have any effect when doing it in a running vim session. Also, `:InitCSV` is "not an editor command" (E492). Perhaps it...

Ah yes, that's a good idea. I'll look into it. Thanks @marcelomanzo !

I'm stuck trying to implement the `dsp_custom` C++ example in `pyfmodex`. In particular with the initialization of `dspdesc` and the `paramdesc` argument. Here's what I have right now: """Example code...

Hey, thanks for your reply. > I doubt that there is anyone who tried this, but there are some obvious issues. The first are the null callbacks, they will cause...

ok, I haven't really made progress in terms of getting any further, but I do believe my understanding of the matter has improved somewhat. Here's a small non-working example, cleaned...

Hm, I don't think that's right: - `paramdesc` is of type `DSP_PARAMETER_DESC_Array_2` - so, `paramdesc[0]` should be of type `DSP_PARAMETER_DESC` - which would make `paramdesc[0].desc_union.datadesc` of type `DSP_PARAMETER_DESC_DATA` but `wavedata_desc`...

Alright, here's the current state: - all code samples from upstream have been ported to Python using pyfmodex - the only kind-of-dependency is `curses`, which only requires an additional install...

> I have worked with Python 3.9. I'll test the samples with 3.8 and 3.7 as well, but I don't expect any problems as I've tried to stay away from...

> Okay, i'll test the samples on Windows (likely Python 3.9), maybe discover why the dsp info example reports weird data. That would be great. > We, as it seems,...

waw, nice. yes, I suppose we can, just need to check if the samples still work with TIMEUNIT moved from flags to enums (#37).