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Selenium webdriver for lettuce

============================================= Lettuce steps for Web Testing with Selenium 2

lettuce_webdriver provides a set of steps for use with the Cucumber <http://cukes.info/>_ BDD Python port lettuce <http://lettuce.it/>_ using the selenium 2.8 or higher Python package <http://pypi.python.org/pypi/selenium>_.

The included matchers and syntax is inspired heavily by cucumber_watir <https://github.com/napcs/cucumber_watir>_.


  • lettuce <http://lettuce.it/>_
  • selenium 2.8 or higher <http://pypi.python.org/pypi/selenium>_

Setting Up lettuce_webdriver

In your lettuce terrain.py file, add an include statement for lettuce to learn about the additional step definitions provided by lettuce_webdriver and a setup that creates the selenium browser desired::

from lettuce import before, world
from selenium import webdriver
import lettuce_webdriver.webdriver

def setup_browser():
    world.browser = webdriver.Firefox()


lettuce stories are written in the standard Cucumber style of gherkin <https://github.com/aslakhellesoy/cucumber/wiki/gherkin>_. For example::

Scenario: Filling out the signup form
  Given I go to "http://foo.com/signup"
   When I fill in "Name" with "Foo Bar"
    And I fill in "Email" with "[email protected]"
    And I fill in "City" with "San Jose"
    And I fill in "State" with "CA"
    And I uncheck "Send me spam!"
    And I select "Male" from "Gender"
    And I press "Sign up"
   Then I should see "Thank you for signing up!"

Included Matchers

The following lettuce step matchers are included in this package and can be used with Given/When/Then/And as desired.


# urls
I visit "http://google.com/"
I go to "http://google.com/"

# links
I click "Next page"
I should see a link with the url "http://foobar.com/"
I should see a link to "Google" with the url "http://google.com/"
I should see a link that contains the text "Foobar" and the url "http://foobar.com/"

# general
I should see "Page Content"
I see "Page Content"
I should see "Page Content" within 4 seconds
I should not see "Foobar"
I should be at "http://foobar.com/"
I should see an element with id of "http://bar.com/"
I should see an element with id of "http://bar.com/" within 2 seconds
I should not see an element with id of "http://bar.com/"
The element with id of "cs_PageModeContainer" contains "Read"
The element with id of "cs_BigDiv" does not contain "Write"

# browser
The browser's URL should be "http://bar.com/"
The browser's URL should contain "foo.com"
The browser's URL should not contain "bar.com"

# forms
I should see a form that goes to "http://bar.com/submit.html"
I press "Submit"

# checkboxes
I check "I have a car"
I uncheck "I have a bus"
The "I have a car" checkbox should be checked
The "I have a bus" checkbox should not be checked

# select
I select "Volvo" from "Car Choices"
I select the following from "Car Choices":
The "Volvo" option from "Car Choices" should be selected
The following options from "Car Choices" should be selected:

# radio buttons
I choose "Foobar"
The "Foobar" option should be chosen
The "Bar" option should not be chosen

# text entry fields (text, textarea, password)
I fill in "Username" with "Smith"


lettuce_webdriver is maintained by Nick Pilon (@npilon on github and [email protected]). Bug fixes and feature patches may be submitted using github pull requests, and bug reports or feature requests as github issues.

lettuce_webdriver is fully compatible and recommended for use with BrowserStack (http://www.browserstack.com/), which provides hosted remote Selenium instaces for all major browsers.