Balazs Scheidler
Balazs Scheidler
Thanks @mitzkia With that I think we can merge this once it gets a thumbs up from someone.
flags(no-parse) is a driver specific option, whereas you have it in your source statement. I did not follow this thread, I just thought I'd mention it. It works with stuff...
We do have tags based metrics already, probably on a higher stats-level() On Thu, Mar 10, 2022, 15:00 Ryan Faircloth ***@***.***> wrote: > Another way this could work is metrics...
no news file needed.
Do you think syslog-ng has enough time to notice/start following the file before or gets compressed? On Thu, Apr 8, 2021, 07:04 Romain Tartière ***@***.***> wrote: > After rotation: >...
Rebased against current master.
Wow. @ryanfaircloth I think you were interested in something like this.
thanks for the report. interesting.
I did start to do the conversion, but it's not completely trivial and I got distracted before finishing it. right now the unfinished patches are sitting here: Patches are...
How S_ISODATE behaves in this regard depends on the frac-digits() setting in python the same way as everywhere else. On Fri, Sep 16, 2022, 00:04 Ryan Faircloth ***@***.***> wrote: >...