I have some services that can send a `` type but my types are unrecognised by grpcui when I try to construct a message. Only the service type and some...
This is used as a tracking issue for ArduPilot incompatibilities. Some, but not all MAVSDK plugins have ArduPilot support. This ticket will list **known** compatibilities and incompatibilities. If not listed,...
It would be useful to be able to use MAVSDK with cpp package managers (Hunter, Conan etc) for automatic dependency resolution. Instead of depending on a `SUPERBUILD` or local dependencies....
It would be exceptionally useful to have MAVSDK provide server functionality for MAVLink microservices. There is currently a gap missing in MAVLink, the raw data types are provided by the...
Due to time constraints `*_server` plugins are lacking rigorous testing frameworks. Recommend we put some time in testing these.
There is a need for more marine-based sensors in the MAVLink standard. Some common ones are the DVL + ADCP. ADCP measures water currents in a column of water. It...
This has been in development for over a year and is currently operational on underwater vehicles (UUVs) like the popular [Remus vehicle from Hydroid.]( It's stable enough now we have...
While defining the proto API for MAVSDK autopilot server plugins I ran into an issue where I needed to provide logic to allow or disallow a certain action in a...
I'm running EdgeTX v2.8.3 on a Jumper T-Pro. Installed BW 128x64 + BW Common. When I open the telemetry screen I get the following error. `Syntax Error: getValue string expected...