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Sass rules for Bazel

Build status

Sass Rules for Bazel


  • sass_binary
  • sass_library
  • multi_sass_binary


These build rules are used for building Sass projects with Bazel.


To use the Sass rules, add the following to your WORKSPACE file to add the external repositories for Sass, making sure to use the latest published versions:

    name = "io_bazel_rules_sass",
    # Make sure to check for the latest version when you install
    url = "",
    strip_prefix = "rules_sass-1.26.3",
    sha256 = "9dcfba04e4af896626f4760d866f895ea4291bc30bf7287887cefcf4707b6a62",

# Setup Bazel NodeJS rules.
# See:

# Setup repositories which are needed for the Sass rules.
load("@io_bazel_rules_sass//:defs.bzl", "sass_repositories")

Basic Example

Suppose you have the following directory structure for a simple Sass project:



$default-font-stack: Cambria, "Hoefler Text", serif;
$modern-font-stack: Constantia, "Lucida Bright", serif;


$example-blue: #0000ff;
$example-red: #ff0000;


package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])

load("@io_bazel_rules_sass//:defs.bzl", "sass_library")

    name = "colors",
    srcs = ["_colors.scss"],

    name = "fonts",
    srcs = ["_fonts.scss"],


@import "shared/fonts";
@import "shared/colors";

html {
  body {
    font-family: $default-font-stack;
    h1 {
      font-family: $modern-font-stack;
      color: $example-red;


package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])

load("@io_bazel_rules_sass//:defs.bzl", "sass_binary")

    name = "hello_world",
    src = "main.scss",
    deps = [

Build the binary:

$ bazel build //hello_world
INFO: Found 1 target...
Target //hello_world:hello_world up-to-date:
INFO: Elapsed time: 1.911s, Critical Path: 0.01s

Build Rule Reference


sass_binary(name, src, deps=[], include_paths=[], output_dir=".", output_name=<src_filename.css>, output_style="compressed", sourcemap=True)

sass_binary compiles a single CSS output from a single Sass entry-point file. The entry-point file may have dependencies (sass_library rules, see below).

Implicit output targets

Label Description
output_name The generated CSS output The source map that can be used to debug the Sass source in-browser
Attribute Description
name Unique name for this rule (required)
src Sass compilation entry-point (required).
deps List of dependencies for the src. Each dependency is a sass_library
include_paths Additional directories to search when resolving imports
output_dir Output directory, relative to this package
output_name Output file name, including .css extension. Defaults to <src_name>.css
output_style Output style for the generated CSS.
sourcemap Whether to generate sourcemaps for the generated CSS. Defaults to True.


sass_library(name, srcs, deps=[])

Defines a collection of Sass files that can be depended on by a sass_binary. Does not generate any outputs.

Attribute Description
name Unique name for this rule (required)
srcs Sass files included in this library. Each file should start with an underscore
deps Dependencies for the srcs. Each dependency is a sass_library


multi_sass_binary(name, srcs=[], output_style="compressed", sourcemap=True)

multi_sass_binary compiles a list of Sass files and outputs the corresponding CSS files and optional sourcemaps. Output is omitted for filenames that start with underscore "_".

:warning: WARNING: This rule does a global compilation, and thus any change in the sources will trigger a build for all files. It is inefficient. Always prefer sass_binary and provide strict dependencies for most efficient compilation. This rule is also not used internally at Google.

Output targets

The following pair of files is generated for each file in srcs.

Label Description
.css The generated CSS output The source map that can be used to debug the Sass source in-browser
Attribute Description
name Unique name for this rule (required)
srcs A list of Sass files (required).
output_style Output style for the generated CSS.
sourcemap Whether to generate sourcemaps for the generated CSS. Defaults to True.


npm_sass_library(name, deps=[])

Extracts direct and transitive Sass files from the given list of dependencies. Dependencies are expected to be external npm package targets. The extracted Sass files will be made available for consumption within sass_binary or sass_library.

Note: If an external npm package exposes a sass_libary by itself, it is recommended to use this target instead. The author of an npm package can provide more fine-grained targets for Sass files, while npm_sass_library would make all Sass files, including files from transitive dependencies, available for consumption. This can result in unnecessary large build graphs slowing down compilation.

Attribute Description
name Unique name for this rule (required)
deps External npm package targets for which Sass files are collected (required)


  name = "angular_material_sass_deps",
  deps = ["@npm//@angular/material"],

  name = "my_theme"
  src = "my_theme.scss",
  deps = [":angular_material_sass_deps"],