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Protocol buffer rules for Bazel

Results 22 rules_proto issues
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Since the tools/file_concat program is written in C++ and exposed to users of proto_descriptor_set, we depend on rules_cc at runtime. Fixes #203

When trying to use the following code: ```starlark load("@rules_proto//proto:defs.bzl", "proto_descriptor_set") proto_descriptor_set( name = "my_fdset", deps = ["...."], ) ``` This causes the following error: ``` ERROR: error loading package '@@rules_proto~6.0.0-rc2//tools/file_concat':...


CI: Platform: Windows Logs: ``` ERROR: C:/b/uhnenhph/external/protobuf~/src/google/protobuf/BUILD.bazel:70:14: Compiling external/protobuf~/src/google/protobuf/_virtual_imports/type_proto/google/protobuf/ failed: undeclared inclusion(s) in rule '@@protobuf~//src/google/protobuf:type_proto' ``` Culprit: Steps: ``` git clone git reset d4c3498677e7fbda6f717585276ea4d8b75acec0 --hard export USE_BAZEL_VERSION=d37762b494a4e122d46a5a71e3a8cc77fa15aa25 bazel...

This allows rules_proto to supply a pre-built binary toolchain for protoc without needing any Bazel module supplied by the protocolbuffers maintainers. Obviates the need for protobuf to be released to...

It's meant to be used in toolchainization of language rules, for example in rules_python: Fixes that PR following the recent breaking change landed here:

here is my dir layout: a.proto depends on b.proto, so `import b.proto` in a.proto. ``` ├── proto │ ├── BUILD │ ├── CMakeLists.txt │ ├── a.proto │ └── b.proto ├──...


Building a rules_proto bazel rule results in below error: ``` Use --sandbox_debug to see verbose messages from the sandbox 2022/05/16 09:28:09 error running protoc: fork/exec bazel-out/k8-opt-exec-2B5CBBC6/bin/rules/proto/protoc: argument list too long...

help wanted

I am building a project with protos on apple M1 and I get a `symbol not found in flat namespace '__ZNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEED1Ev'` error when protoc gets invoked. I opened a stack...


rules_proto imports the protobuf-java library from Maven using the `java_import_external` macro. Unlike the sibling `jvm_maven_import_external` macro, this macro does not set the `maven_coordinate` tag which is read by rules_jvm_external in...
